Keep Me Company

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Sorry for the long wait, college and midterms are crazy busy! I love the content of this chapter but not sure it's great writing, but I hope you enjoy anyways!
All my love.

P.S. Probably a lot of typos because I didn't review much and wanted to get this chapter up for you guys quickly! Oh, and check the visual :)

Things have been good. Ever since your trip to Coruscant, things had been different - better. Except for the whole rusty-knife-in-the-abdomen part, of course. But other than that, things have been really good.

In the past five days, you'd occasionally woken up in the middle of the night to see Kylo's hand covering your wound. Just resting on your abdomen, right on top the healing incision.

The day after you two returned from Coruscant, Kylo was supposed to leave for a day to pick up some unspecified object, but delayed his trip by four days. He said it had nothing to do with your injury, but you both knew that wasn't true.

You'd told him that he was being paranoid and that you were fine, but he insisted. You weren't complaining, though - the last four days had been surprisingly pleasant.

When he'd come home at the end of the day, you'd tell him about some books you'd been reading and he'd tell you stories about the interesting things he'd seen on different planets. Places you'd never even heard of. And each night, you'd listen to the rhythmic sound of his voice until your eyes closed.

Whether he knew it or not, he was more open with you. It was the first time you'd really seen his personality, his characteristics, without him trying to  conceal it. His intelligence, his sense of humor, his ability to make even the dullest of conversation topics interesting to you.

You'd spent so long viewing him as either the Supreme Leader or the General's estranged son, you'd never taken the time to just see him.

Still young, still adventurous, recounting the various places he'd been with a glint in his eye. It was refreshing to see his guard faltering. And it made your heart flutter, realizing that some part of his subconscious trusted you enough to let you see those parts of him.

It was strange to now be missing him while he was gone. There was a time not long ago where you wouldn't have cared less that he was gone. You'd maybe even be excited to be out of his presence.

But that was then and this is now. And now, he was your sense of comfort, your certainty amidst all the chaos. Your only sense of familiarity on this damned ship.

Luckily, he wouldn't be gone long. He'd left the night before early in the evening and said he'd try to be back tonight.

You'd slept in late this morning and entertained yourself with a book after you'd woken up. But now, it was the middle of the day and the book was finished.

There were more books you could read - gods, you had stacks of books to choose from. After you mentioned the bookstore you used to steal from when you were younger, Kylo had secretly bought books for you in practically every genre you could think of.

But what you really wanted to do was practice. You'd looked around for your lightsaber, wondering if Kylo had put it back in your room, but it seemed like he didn't. Must still be in his room.

You padded across your room and opened the door, intending to make the short trip to Kylo's room. Too bad there was a certain buckethead in your way.

Ah, the buckethead who barged in on you in the bath. Of course.

The knight stepped in front of you, effectively blocking your path. "You're not allowed to leave."

You glared at him. "Says who?"

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