One Day, Little One

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Your mind woke before the rest of you did. Faint noises fell on your ears as your eyes remained closed.

Lying down. On a bed. Not cold, not wet. Not sure where I am.

You finally pried your heavy eyes open as a dark ceiling came into view.

A groan passed through your lips. Even though the ceiling was pitch black, the minimal light surrounding you still stung your eyes.


The sudden voice startled you beyond belief, causing you to scream and to your dismay, fling yourself right off the bed.

Scrambling to sit up, your field of vision was nothing but a sea of black.

"Do you have a habit of watching people sleep?"

He didn't have his mask on which kind of surprised you.

"No," he replied plainly.

Rolling your eyes, you brought a hand to your arm and felt some bandages covering your wound. The pain was still there, but dull and manageable.

Suddenly, you realized you were in some unknown place.

"Where the fuck am I?"

You weren't in a cell, you weren't in an interrogation room, but in an actual room.

"Language," he admonished, causing you to roll your eyes. "And in a room. Where you'll be staying."

You furrowed your brows, utterly confused. Before you could request clarification, he spoke up again.
"Your room is attached to my quarters."

Your room. It made your skin crawl. It felt like he was establishing your permanent residence here, giving you ties here. And all it did was remind you of what your reality had become.

"Why am I being held in your quarters?"

He showed no emotion. As usual.

"Because there aren't any cells or interrogation rooms next to my quarters," he replied. "And I need to keep my eye on you, little one."

The smug look on his face made your face contort in disgust. Before you could make some comment about your ability to easily overpower his men and strangle that ginger dork from across the room, you noticed that you weren't in your clothes. You were in black pants and a black shirt - naturally. And a black sweater over top.

Frantically, you looked at him. "How did- Did you change-"

"Would you rather I let you die of hypothermia?"

Well, obviously, no.

But you didn't want to give him that satisfaction. Luckily, you didn't have to.

"A nurse did," he added, "A female nurse."

You relaxed a bit. And you blushed slightly realizing that he took the time to have a female nurse change you. Maintaining your dignity even while unconscious.

But then your stomach dropped. You could tell that the data chip you'd swiped was no longer tucked safely in your bra. Either it had fallen out in the lake or the nurse had confiscated it.

Had Kylo taken it?

If he had, he surely would've strung you up and tortured you until you told him what was on the chip.

It didn't really matter anymore. Even if you had still kept it secured in your undergarment, it'd be waterlogged. Besides, it's not like you could get it back to base.

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