So Be It

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Without much else to do, you sat on your foam mat with your knees pulled to your chest. After Kylo had left, a 'trooper had come in and shackled you to a stake in the middle of the room. Pretty much keeping you stuck in one spot.

You had tried to fall asleep again, hoping that it would help you ignore the painful hunger and thirst.
But Kylo's cryptic words echoed in your head, keeping you very much awake and very much on edge.

What the hell had he meant? How was he going to 'see me hold my own'?

A million horrendous scenarios raced through your head. Groaning, you dropped your head to rest your forehead on your knees, trying to keep your thoughts from running wild.

Before you knew it, someone had entered the room. Two someones, actually.

Your masked captor entered the cell, a shorter, red-haired man in a black First Order uniform following behind him.

You smiled up at the mass of black robes looking in front of you. "Aw, did you bring me a friend, asshole?"

The shorter man snickered. "Unlikely, rebel scum."

You rolled your eyes. "Rebel scum? At least I have a soul, fireball."

To both of your utter surprises, you heard the mass of black robes chuckle. Apparently Kylo Ren had a sense of humor.

The redhead gave both you and Kylo an irritated look."Why hasn't this thing been executed yet? I believe her attempt to escape and her murders of my men are ground for extermination," he muttered.

"She is valuable to the First Order, General Hux."

Hux. Interesting name.

Did he realize it sounded like General Hugs?

Kylo's voice was level, but Hux just scoffed.

"How, as bait for the Resistance?"

Kylo stood up straight, shifting his weight. "Yes, among other things."

"So, we're keeping this nuisance just for that? We could easily find a less... troublesome prisoner for that."

You quickly shot up, the shackle around your ankle clanking loudly.

"And I'm going to keep being troublesome you little shit," you hissed. "I will never stop being troublesome until the First Order is finished."

Hux looked amused, only slightly alarmed. Kylo clasped his hands in front of him, straightening his posture. "She is quite the little fighter, fairly skilled given her elementary-level training."

Hux rolled his eyes. "Well that's excellent and all, but we don't need more soldiers. So, what are you planning to get out of her that could be worth all this trouble?"

A beat. "Her compliance, harnessing her abilities with the Force on behalf of the First Order."

You cringed at the maniacal look on Hux's face. "If you think you can manage to tame the little beast and obtain her loyalty, you may be right - she just might be useful," Hux said, smiling as his eyes never left yours.

His tone made you sick. But Kylo's next words made you even more nauseous.

"Oh, she will give in, over time," Kylo said, laughing darkly.

You were too disgusted to object or restate your defiance.

"Then let's not damage her or accidentally kill her until then," Hux concluded.

You would've spit in his face if your mouth hadn't been so dry and you hadn't been so dizzy.

Kylo stepped forward and with a wave of his hand, unlocked your restraint. Your taste of freedom was cut short however, when Kylo grabbed your upper arm roughly and yanked you to your feet. Your face reddened with embarrassment when your knees buckled beneath you and you stumbled.

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