I've Got it in my Hands

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"Fuck, yes," you moaned, throwing your head back as you lowered yourself onto Kylo's cock.

In less than a week, he'd been inside of you nearly a dozen different times. And you still couldn't get enough.

A low groan emanated from Kylo, his grip on your waist tightening. You flattened your hands on his chest for balance as you slowly rolled your hips.

He was painfully hard inside of you, the lower half of his body thrusting into you with each movement of your hips. You felt pressure on your clit and jolted forward, a small gasp leaving you as you realized that Kylo's hands were still on your waist.

You looked at him as the pressure on your clit increased, circling and flicking your sweet spot.

"I feel like that's an - oh fuck - inappropriate use of the Force," you said in between moans.

The pressure increased on your clit, making your eyes close in pleasure.

"Would you like me to stop then?"

You swatted his chest with your eyes still closed, continuing to lift yourself up and down on his cock.

"Don't you fucking dare," you breathed.

He laughed slightly and started sliding his hands up your waist, bringing his massive hands to your breasts, covering them entirely. Massaging them, sending waves of pleasure through you as he continued to pound into you.

You looked down at him through hooded eyes, admiring the way he looked. Jaw clenched, brows knit together, lips parted. Watching you, watching the way you moved up and down on him, his dick disappearing into your slick, swollen cunt.

His fingers played with your breasts, pinching and twisting your nipples, making you whine and whimper in sheer pleasure. You leaned forward slightly, bringing your hands up higher on his chest and locking eyes with him. You knew he loved when you made eye contact with him.

And you loved the way he looked while his cock was buried deep inside of you.

You rolled your hips hard, clenching around him as he twitched inside of you."Fuck, that's so good," he moaned, hands sliding back to your hips.

You picked up your pace, rolling your hips a bit faster, moans tumbling from you as you moved up and down on him. You tilted your head down, watching his cock slide in and out of you, glistening with your wetness, filling you completely.

He brought a hand to your hips, holding you tightly while he brought his other hand to your mouth. He pressed his thumb past your lips, not even needing to tell you what to do.

You swirled your tongue, sucking and sliding more of his thumb into your mouth. He groaned, his mouth slack as he watched you. Pulling his hand away from you, he brought it your folds, his thumb finding your clit.

The hand on your hip held you in place and he raised his hips to insert himself inside of you completely, making you take all of him while he relentlessly played with your clit.

"Fuck, oh, fuck, Ky," you moaned. "Right there."

He pressed your clit harder and you began to unravel, that familiar feeling building between your legs.

"Cum for me, little one," he encouraged you. "Cum on my cock."

You whined, your body hunched forward as ragged breaths escaped your lips. His thumb was still relentlessly working your clit as your legs started shaking, pleasure beginning to take over you.

"That's it," he praised, his voice coarse. "Cum for me, pretty girl."

That sent you over the edge. Legs trembling, whole
body shaking, your orgasm crashed into you. Moans and strangled whispers of Kylo's name spilled from your lips as he continued thumbing your sweet spot.

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