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The charcoal gray uniform crinkled underneath your fingers as you smoothed out the fabric. You were hoping that you looked decent enough that no one would notice your lack of First Order quality boots.

A few Stormtroopers had walked past you and didn't question you. All they did was nod respectfully and continue walking.

They probably noticed that you looked stiff and uncomfortable, but the hat pulled down low on your head was doing a pretty good job at hiding your face.

You had just entered a new hallway when you heard voices that were unencumbered by helmets.


You ducked into a small alcove, pressing your back to the wall and holding your breath as the footsteps and voices became louder.

"He will be landing within the hour," you heard one of the voices say.

"Ah, better make sure we stay the hell away then," the other one answered, laughing.

The footsteps passed and you waited until silence fell again before you crept back into the hallway and continued walking.


The whole reason you had been sent to infiltrate the ship was because Kylo Ren wasn't supposed to be on board today.

But apparently, he'd be making an appearance rather quickly.


You ignored the panic that was rising in you and continued on with your mission. Reaching the end of the corridor, you looked to your left and then your right before spotting a metal door that was slightly ajar.


A surge of hope rose in your chest as you sped towards the room. All you had to do was download the data from their damned computer system and you would have the location of every armory and satellite base in the First Order.

The room was deserted, just liked you'd expected. Poe had told you that there was a fifteen minute window in between shift changes, leaving this room unoccupied and unattended for about ten more minutes.

You weren't great with technology, but you quickly figured out where to insert the empty thumb drive and begin the downloading process.

Checking over your shoulder every few minutes, you saw that you were still in the clear. But you still wished this shit would download faster.

Your foot was tapping on the floor anxiously, waiting for the data to transfer. "C'mon, C'mon," you whispered.

As if on cue, the downloading completed and you slipped the now fully loaded drive into your bra.

Thank the fucking stars.

Smoothing our your uniform again, you turned to exit the room when you came face to face with two Stormtroopers.

One of the 'troopers brought his mouth to a wire that was imbedded in his wrist armor. "We have the intruder cornered."

The air left your lungs when the voice on the intercom replied. "Take them down."

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