Tug of War

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[Thanks for reading! I appreciate all feedback and would love to hear from you! Also, I have another work in progress called "Exposed." up right now and would love for you to check it out! Much love, thanks again for reading :) ]

The sheets next to you were cold. You'd expected him to be gone when you woke up, but a small part of you was hoping he'd stay.

You tried to sit up but felt something warm on the inside of your thighs. Almost like a tickling sensation. You'd expected to be sore this morning,
but you hadn't expected it to be... pleasant.

Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you looked down to see a lump in the sheets. "What the-"

You pulled the sheet up and looked under to see Kylo kissing the sensitive flesh on the inside of your thigh, smiling at you.

"Morning," he mumbled against you.

Throwing the sheet off of you completely, you laughed slightly and reached down to his hair, running your hand through it. "That's a nice alarm clock," you replied.

He reached up to grab your hand that was in his hair and slowly intertwined your fingers with his. He held it there as he slowly dragged his tongue from your thigh to your cunt, bringing his lips to hover over your clit. His breath fanned your already slick folds.

So much for your "one-time-thing" idea.

He released you in order to slide his hands under your thighs and place your legs over his shoulders. Losing all sense of patience, he pulled you towards him and eagerly attached his mouth to your clit.

Sucking in a sharp breath, you flattened your feet against his back and pressed into him, urging him on.

He released one of your thighs from his grip and brought his hand to your entrance, gently prodding your hole.

You whimpered and pushed your hips down, aching for him to press into you.

Someone's eager.

You gasped when you heard Kylo's voice. Not audibly, but in your mind.

Tell me what you want.

His voice filled your mind again, making your heart race a bit. Unsure if you could communicate with him in the same way, you closed your eyes and focused.

You knew what you wanted. And for some reason, the way he was so attentive and gentle last night made you trust him enough to ask for it. Made you comfortable enough to be honest.

Ignoring your shyness, you concentrated on telling him exactly what you wanted.

Make me scream.

It must've worked, because Kylo removed his hand and his mouth from between your legs, looking up at you with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. You smiled, a blush creeping up your cheeks. He smiled back, except his was slightly devilish.

Clearly, you'd said exactly what he'd wanted you to say, but hadn't expected you to admit.

He dropped his head between your legs again, holding your clit in between his lips and sucking harshly. You jolted and moaned, signaling to him that you were enjoying a less gentle touch.

Without any warning, he slammed two fingers into you and started pumping mercilessly. You cried out and flinched at the sudden intrusion, but almost immediately adjusted and started moaning uncontrollably as his fingers worked you open.

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