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I have one brain cell that was apparently on vacation. I legit spelled my user wrong on ao3. Yes, you can laugh.

I fixed it now and my user is for sure swritess now.

Hello! I recently made an announcement about my Archive of Our Own (ao3) account but I wanted to make sure everyone got it.

Wattpad has been deleting a lot of mature stories, which would definitely include this book (and my other completed story)

You can find me on ao3 under swritess where this story and my other work is uploaded.

Please please head over there and maybe bookmark this work or save it somehow. I'd hate for anyone to miss the conclusion should this story be deleted.

And in regards to the next chapter, it will be up SOON. Promise, promise, promise. I am a full time student and believe it or not, I do write on the side for my school and other publications. But I promise I am working hard and it will be up soon.

I love you and as you know, my private messages are always open.

- S

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