A Blessing or A Curse

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The events of yesterday had made it nearly impossible to sleep last night.

Hours and hours of night came and went, barely half an hour of sleep relieving the burn in your exhausted eyes. By the time sunrise was just an hour away, you gave up and left your bed.

The nook in between the rocks that you'd claimed as your training space had become your personal reprieve, the only place on base that you could clear your head and blow off steam. The place you were currently approaching.

On the flat slab of rock that had become your personal seat sat a figure clothed in black. For a split second, you thought it was Kylo sitting there. But the dark hair you were looking was shorter than Kylo's, black ink spanning up their neck.


"I thought we agreed that you'd call me Ushar from now on."

You almost started walking towards him until you remembered that Ushar still worked for Kylo and would have no issue serving as bait to trap you again. You drew your lightsaber and ignited it, scanning the area for more knights, afraid that Kylo was somewhere in the jagged rocks waiting for you.

"Relax, it's just me."

You warily looked over your shoulder at Ushar but didn't lower your weapon.

"I promise it's just me," the knight added.

You didn't sense any other presence near by, nor did you feel Kylo's Force signature. And you knew how strong Kylo's was when he was near.

With one last scan of the area, you extinguished your lightsaber and sheathed it. Ushar was still seated in the rock, back still to you.

"You can come closer," he said. "I don't bite."

He raised his arms, revealing that he was unarmed. He wasn't even wearing his armor, just a plain black long sleeve shirt and pants.

You rolled your eyes but walked closer to him, sheathing your lightsaber as you went.

Ushar, gentleman that he was, moved over a bit to give you room to sit beside him. "I know Kylo gave you orders to bring me back," you said, "so why aren't you putting a sack over my head and kidnapping me right now?

"I spent a majority of my childhood not being able to come and go as I please," he said. "It's something I don't want to subject anyone else to either."

"So you're not going to force me to come back with you?"

"No." He glanced over at you. "Unless you would like to come with me."

You scrutinized him, looking for a sign of insincerity. The twitch of an eye, rapid blinking, a clench of his jaw.

But no. You found nothing to suggest that he was lying.

"But I must warn you that my TIE fighter only has one seat," he added. "So you would be forced to sit on my lap."

You laughed at Ushar, his eyebrows raised suggestively. "Oh I'm sure you'd love that."

Ushar shrugged, his lips twitching into a devilish smirk. "I certainly wouldn't hate it."

You feigned disgust, eliciting a wider smile from him.

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