The First Case [3]

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November 6th, Detroit Police Department, 10:01am

"Holy shit." Hank said, turning the corner. "I don't belive it, it's really you. I thought I was hearing things over the phone."
"It's me." I opened my arms and gave Hank a hug.
"I really missed you kid." He chuckled. "And I see you've already met my plastic friend."
"Lieutenant, it would interest you to know that we trained together." Connor added.
"Really? They train androids? Aren't you programed to already know everything?" Hank questioned.
"I have the latest programming, which needed to be tested for bugs." Connor continued.
"Hank, we got a tip of a deviant hiding out at a motel on the south side." Fowler called out, saving us from Connor's spiel.
"We better go check that out." I said.

Connor, Hank, and I head down to the motel. We head over to the front desk.
"Have you seen this android." Connor holds up a picture of the android, an AX400 modle, that shot her owner and ran off with her owners kid.
"Yeah, I didn't know they were an android, they had no LED. They're up in room 28." The reseptionist said. We swiftly made our way to the room. The door is unlocked and no one is in there.
"They must have seen us and ran" Connor states. We run down the sidewalk and the android is no where to be seen.
"They must have gotten to the train." I said. the train moved away from the station.
"Fowler us going to make us do extra paper work for this."

Back at the station, "I'm sorry you can't let this android any further into the station." Said the police android. "If you don't I'm going to kick your fucking ass." Hank spat at the android.
"C'mon we have some paper work to do." I said. I took a seat at my old desk, my name had since been removed, I sat across from Hank. The paperwork was simple but there was a lot.

After finishing some paperwork we go talk to Fowler about the case.
"So you're telling me it escaped." Fowler tried to stay calm.
"Okay. We're overflowing with android cases, just get out there and find some deviants. I'll try to find more leads on this one." We left the room and head back to our desks.
"This sucks, so what if I lose an android, it just wants to be free." I sighed.
"But (Y/n) we are robots who can't feel anything, emotions are just errors in our programing." Connor stated. "Don't say that Connor, your emotions are just locked away." I smiled. Connor looks at me. What?
"Do you really believe that?"
"Of course I do Connor, it's a fact." How do I know that?

I finally finished my case report and head home. I see Connor standing at an android parking space, I run over to him.
"Connor." I lightly touch him.
"Huh? (Y/n) what are you doing?" Connor asked.
"I just saw you standing here in the rain. What are you doing?"
"(Y/n) I'm standing at a parking space. I'm waiting for a taxi to actually pick me up."
"Connor you can't stay here. Your coming home with me."
"I can't accept (Y/n)." I start to drag Connor along with me.
"(Y/n) I must insist that you stop dragging me." Connor said. I keep dragging him and turn into the driveway. My car's in the garage, I mean I just finished paying off my house and I did have roommates. I look into the eye scanner. I hear the door unlock and I open it. My house is empty, everyone must have moved out.
"Connor you will be staying here, we'll have to add you to the eye scanner." I said.
"Well if you insist. Then I can't say no to you." Connor agreed. I show Connor around the house and to his room.
"Night Connor." I head off to my room and take a nap

Connor pov

I wait until (Y/n) is asleep. I slowly open her door. "Good night (Y/n)." I said softly. I stand by the door and stand guard. Software instability 🔼 (Y/n): roommate ⏫

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