Messed Up Bad [27]

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November 17th 10:10am, home

Connor's pov

Nines left without a word, he could be anywhere in Detroit right know. There is a knock on the door, I open it and Nines is standing in the doorway. He has tears in his eyes, I've never seen him cry before. "I'm sorry." He said quietly.
"Nines....." I hugged him. He doesn't hug me back, I look up at him. "I'm here to grab my stuff, I'm moving out." Nines said coldly. "I'm sure she'll forgive-"
"I won't forgive myself, I promised that I wouldn't hurt her. I can and I could do it again." Tears dripped down his face. "Nines come inside, your not leaving." I walk him inside, locking the door behind me. "When she gets up, hug her and tell her your sorry." I said. We take a seat on the couch and I try to console him. We wait for (Y/n) to wake up.


(Y/n) walks out of her room, she doesn't notice Nines right away. She takes my arm and takes me twords the door. Nines steps in front of the door, she looks up at him. She places her hand on his face and gets high enough to reach his LED. She pushes her fingers in and Nines shuts down. She moves him on to the couch and we leave for work. "Whas that really necessary?" I asked. "He's dangerous and so strong that he could kill me without hesitation." She said.
"I could kill you too but you know I wouldn't." I responded.
"You can't kill me, not even if you tried." She hands me a gun.
"(Y/n)." She moves my hand so the gun is touching her forehead. I drop the gun and trap her in a tight embrace.
"He just made a bad judgment call, he didn't want to harm you." I told her. "
He hurt Gavin in a blind rage, he needs to learn to control it." (Y/n) responded. We head back home and she boots up Nines. He shoots up, he looks terrified. "(Y/n), please, I'm sorry for what I've done." He holds his arms out for a hug.
"Don't touch me. its going to be a while before I forgive you." She said. I give her a frown. "But you can stay here."
"Thank you." He smiled at her.
"Connor, Where is everyone at?" She asked. "North is upstairs, I think Markus said they're going to see his dad. He took Josh and Simon with him." I informed her. "We should probably go to work." (Y/n) said. She hops into the car and we drive to work, pick a case and head out.

(Y/n)'s pov

Our case is a simple one, a store got robbed by androids. We walk into the store, we get the android's descriptions and put out a reward for anyone who brings them in. We then get a tip about the doctor android who murdered a few of his patients. He's hiding in a storage unit, #170. We head to his location and open the storage unit. The doctor drops his scalpel when we open the door, he was close to sliting someone's throat. I handcuff him and place him in the car. We check on the victim, a WR400 android. She looks like North, she has terrible words carved into her skin. We're all his victims former sex worker androids?
"Connor, we're all the victims sex workers?" I ask him. He pauses for a moment, once he comes back he has our answer.
"Yes they were, they also all had words carved into them and their throats slit." Connor informed me.
"Are you alright?" I asked her.
"Yes, thank you for saving me." She said. "What's your name?" I questioned her more. "My name is Emilia." She responded. She attempts to move but her wounds start bleeding more.
"We need to get you to a hospital." I told her. "No! Don't take me back there please!" She panicked.
"We have to fix you. I'll fix you at my house, if that's alright with you." I inform her.
"Yes that's fine, thank you." She smiled at me. I have someone pick up the doctor and Connor drive us home, I stay with Emilia in the back seat and check on her often. Once we arrive at home I set her on the couch and miss the fact that North is sitting downstairs. "Oh my RA9! is she alright?" North asked.
"She'll be fine, she is the surviving victim of the doctor murderer."
"North?" Emilia looked up at her.
"Emilia... it's been awhile." North gives her a smile. I give her a puzzled look, who is she. "My sister, Emilia. We escaped on the same night and met up before I found Jericho." North tells me. "So it really exists." Emilia smiled. I press the hot piece of metal against her wounds, she screams at the burning metal. I finish patching her up, she thanks me for helping her.
"Hey (Y/n), I know we don't have the best relationship, but can Emilia stay with us?" North asked.
"She'll have to sleep in your room, if your fine with that then yes." I told her.
"Also next time you go out, get her some new clothes." Emily walks out of the bathroom wearing some of North's clothes.
"Thank you for letting me stay here, your very kind." Emilia said.
"Well I wasn't going to let you bleed out and I didn't want you to be in danger." I said. North and Emila leave for clothes shopping, Markus is teaching Simon how to paint, Josh is making clay stuff and Nines is chilling in his room. I go up to Nines door, resist the urge to knock on his door. I hear a guitar being played on the other side. That's where my guitar went, he must have been practicing for awhile. I slide down to the floor and sit with my back against the door, I listen to Nines play the guitar.

I end up sitting there for over an hour listening to him play, once he stops playing I get up and leave the hallway. Nines bumps into me as he walks out the door, he looks at me in silence.
"I forgive you." I whispered. I give him a hug, he doesn't hug me back. I pull away and look up at him, a million thoughts run through my head. Have I upset him? Does he hate me? Did I say something wrong? Why didn't I forgive him as soon as he apologized? I turn away from him and run towards the bathroom door, he grabs my arm and stops me from leaving. He plants a kiss on my forehead, roughly in the same place he injured. He let's me go and returns to his room.

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