A Day Off 2 Electric Boogaloo [22]

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November 14th, home, 12:34pm

Connor is making me lunch like usual, I sit and watch whatever Nines has on. I'm still a little cautious, but I feel safer having shared memories with the boys. I don't know why I did or even how it happened, but I'm glad I did. Connor calls us for lunch, I take a seat at the table and Connor brings me my plate.
"Connor, you know you don't have to make me lunch." I said.
"I know but I want to, knowing that you enjoy my cooking makes not being able to eat worth it." Connor gives me a smile.
"I mean your cooking is the best." I smiled. I start eating my lunch, Connor's food is really the best food I've ever had.

I take my empty plate to the sink and chill on the couch, Connor sits down shortly after.
"Sooo when would be the right time to break out the celebratory whiskey?" I asked Connor.
"(Y/n) you know whiskey is not good for you." Connor said.
"C'mon, let her live a little. We can drink with her too." Nines added.
"Fine.... but only because we have you back." Connor gives in.
"We'll drink later though, it's kinda early." I added. He accepts and we continue to watch TV. Nines gets called in and head to work. I wonder why they only called him in?

When Nines come back an hour later he is covered in blood, both human and android. I take a sample of the blood, the red blood belongs to Gavin and the blue blood belongs to Nines.
"Are you injured anywhere?" I asked him.
"No, Gavin managed to take out my therium pump after I injured him. I put it back in and I was fine." He informed me. I grab a rag, wet it, and remove his shirt.
"(Y/n)!" Nines' face turns blue. I wipe the blood off of him and throw his shirt in the wash, unfortunately I don't have another shirt for him to put on.
"Unfortunately you will have to be shirtless for about an hour and a half." I told him. He goes and hides in his room, I sigh, he's just as shy as Connor first was when I'd do this for him. I wait for the washer to be done and throw Nines' clothes in the dryer. Now we wait for the dryer to be done, I wonder what Nines is doing.

The dryer finishes drying Nines clothes, I walk into his room and he has removed his skin.
"What if CyberLife re-controls and makes me hurt her, I couldn't live with my self." He said to himself. I place his clothes on his dresser and sit beside him. I place my hand on his face and look him in the eyes.
"They won't control you, they wouldn't think about after what I did to the zen garden last time." I smiled at him. He hugged me and puts his shirt on, I take him out of his room.

"Guys we're going to Markus' house." I said.
"Who is Markus?" Nines asked. "He's technically your older brother, he's also the deviant lead you were searching for." I explained.
"Older brother?" Connor questioned.
"Yes, he's also an RK series android." I informed him.
"Well then lets go." Connor said. I lead them to a small apartment in the new 'android section' of Detroit. I knock on door 4 and Simon answers,
"Simon!" I hugged Simon.
"Ah, (Y/n), this is unexpected. Please come in." He said.
"I hope you don't mind, I brought some friends with me as well." I told him.
"I don't mind." He welcomed us in.
"Markus!" I ran up to Markus and hugged him too.
"Oh (Y/n), it's nice to see you." Markus smiled.
"Soooo the people I brought with me are technically your brothers. Your all RK modles." I smiled proudly
"Is this, another Connor modle?" Markus asked.
"That's Nines, he is an RK900." I explained. "Anyway, there's another reason why I came over. This apartment is kinda decrepit, do you two wanna come live with me? It's the least I can do." Markus and Simon started discussing.
"How many rooms does your house have." Connor asked.
"3 on the main floor, 2 upstairs, 0.5 downstairs with 2.5 bathrooms." I stated.
"We've made a decision, we'll move into your house." Markus said.
"Then let's go." We head to the landlord's office and tell him they will be moving, we then head back home.

Connor starts to make dinner, while I show Markus and Simon their room and around the house. The 2nd floor is currently off limits as it's full of shit. Markus and Simon take a seat on the love sofa and watch TV.

While everyone gets settled I take Nines to get new shirts, I had throw away his old one as it had holes in it. We pick out new black button ups to keep his style, I pay the cashier and we head back home.
Nines changes into one of his new shirts as soon as we get home and reclaims his seat on the couch. I take a seat at the dining table and take a nap while waiting for dinner.

Connor lightly shoves me awake and places a plate in front of me, I eat and place my plate in the sink when I'm done. I wash the dishes and wait for them to dry before putting them away.
"Hey can every one here drink?" I asked.
"I can." Markus said.
"So can I." Simon said. Allright! I grab the whiskey from the cupboard.
"A toast to our new roommates, Markus and Simon." The youngest RK boys clap. I chug the glass of whiskey and pour another, slowly drinking this one. I end up drinking most of it. Connor has to help me to bed. He helps me change in to pajamas and we go to sleep.

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