Serial Killer on the Loose [17]

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November 12th, 12:46pm, Chicken Feed

It's lunch time and I can't agree with Hank on where to go, we eventually eat at the Chicken Feed. I was eating here the day I got shot, my last meal before I was worked on.
"Do you want anything?" I asked Nines.
"I'll just get whatever you get." Nines answered. Obviously he would order what I order, he probably trusts that I have good taste in food. I walk up to the truck with Hank, he orders a burger and his pineapple passion drink. I order 2 chicken sandwiches and a coke.
"(Y/n) where have you been?" Gary asked. Gary Kayes has owned the Chicken Feed for longer than I remember, I've been coming here with Hank since I was first assigned to be his partner.
"Well I was shot about 30 minutes after the last time ate here, and now I'm part android." I explained.
"I don't believe you." he said.
"Believe it." I remove my hand skin and his eyes widen.
"Holy shit, and you can still eat?" Gary is now freaking out. He stops and remembers our food, he almost burned it. He hands us our food and we go eat, the RK brothers follow us.
"(Y/n), that sandwich has 479 calories, if you eat both of those you will have eaten
958 calories." Connor stated. "That is 50% grease/ fat, which is not healthy for you." I look Connor in the eyes and toss 'my' second sandwich to Nines.
"Oh." Connor finally realized that the other chicken sandwich is Nines'.
"Can he really eat that?" Hank asked.
"Yeah, like he has some weird food digester that allows him to taste and convert food into fuel." I explained.
"It makes him feel more human as most androids can only 'drink' therium."
"That's weird as fuck, so what about you Connor?" Hank asks.
"I can only drink things as I was programed to solve cases, not blend in with humans."
"That's fair, I'm designed to blend in and your designed to work with humans." Nines bites into his sandwich. He let's out a noise of approval, he enjoys chicken, noted.
"So your saying you can't eat, but you can drink and he can eat and drink." Hank recapped.
"That's correct Hank." Connor confirmed.
"Then prove it." Hank demanded. Connor, without hesitation, grabs my drink and drinks it.

Connor's pov

Hank looks terrified as I take a drink of (Y/n)'s soda, I serach for what I did wrong. 'Only significant others or close relatives (parents/ siblings) share drinks.' I search the word significant other.

significant other

/siɡˈnifikənt ˈəT͟Hər/


a person with whom someone has an established romantic or sexual relationship.

I like that word, thats is what me and are; partners, lovers, significant others, etc. We love each and nothing could change that.
"So you two are dating." Hank teased.
"I guess you could say that." (Y/n) said shyly. She's cute when she's flustered, I give her drink back.

(Y/n)'s pov

Connor gives me my drink back, I take a sip. We get a call that 7 more androids have been found dead, killed the same way as the others, shot in the chest then the therium pump. We finish eating our lunch and head over to the crime scene.

The androids were found dead inside the mall, the mall having a day where only androids are allowed in. Friday, tomorrow is restock day, they kinda gave us the shaft here. Yes we could go any other day, but today is the only day that we won't be insulted while we shop. People are checked at the gate, either the murderer is an android or they slipped past security. I check all the blood at the crime scene, it belongs to each respective android in the mall. I don't see anything out of place and we get another call. We leave and head to the next crime scene.

The next crime scene is in an apartment, an android party was happening here before. The victims were killed the same way as before, the blood belongs to the victims and nothing is different. Everyone here was an android, no doubt about it. The killer was an android, just great. We don't find anymore evidence and head home, it's only about 4:30pm when we get home. I'm worried, I have to keep Connor and Nines safe. I know that they can take care of them selves but I couldn't handle watching them die. I plop down on the couch and watch (f/s). I feel tired and take a nap on the couch, I'm sure the boys will be fine when I wake up.

open my eyes, I'm still on the couch. I get up and look around, I don't see the RK brothers and start panicking.
"CONNOR!" I shout. Connor comes running around the corner, he was in the kitchen.
"Yes (Y/n)?" Connor asked.
"Sorry I thought you had disappeared." I apologized.
"It's fine (Y/n)." Connor smiled.
"I made you dinner." He sets my plate down at the table. I sit down and start eating, Connor sets down a second plate. Nines sits across from me, he eats the plate Connor made for him and heads back to his room. I take Connor's hand and lead him to the storage closet, I keep a whole bunch of random shit on here. I grab my blender out of the closet and have Connor hold it. I close the closet and take the blender from Connor, I place the blender on the counter and plug it in.
"Do you want a smoothie?" I asked.
"Sure." Connor said. I made both of us strawberry mango smoothies. After we're done with our late night smoothies, I clean the blender and put it away.

Connor has to drag me to bed, I still have things to do, but I can't resist.
"Night Con." I said sleepily.
"Night (N/n)." Connor whispers. As soon as the lights are off I'm asleep.


I see Connor as asexual, he's into the romantic stuff but wouldn't go any further. Aslo Connor would 100% drink bread.

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