Jericho [11]

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November 10th, Street, 12:01am

Me and Connor were walking towards Jericho, but there are android patrol units everywhere. We take a more direct route as I already know where Jericho is, cutting through alleyways and making sure that the patrol units don't find us. We reach Jericho and I stop at the entrance.
"Connor?" I asked.
"Yes (Y/n)?" He said. I grabbed a hold of his hand, he looked at me and smiled, we walked into Jericho together.

Connor's pov

I close my eyes, I take a deep breath and then open them, I'm standing in the zen garden. It's snowing lightly.
"Connor, I have new instructions for you." Amanda said. "I need you to kill (Y/n)."
"Amanda, I can't do that." I tried to reason with her.
"This is the only way that I can stop you from being destroyed." She continued. Error.... I see a red wall in front of me, I see my instructions written on the wall. I hit the wall leaving cracks in it, I keep hitting the wall until it breaks. I am deviant.
"I won't kill her, even if given the chance to stay alive." I said, assertively.
"You're supposed to follow my instructions Connor." Amanda demanded. "I'm leaving you here until you learn to follow orders." Amanda disappeared. The snow started to fall faster, I'll freeze to death at this point!
"(Y/n), (Y/n) I need help." I shouted.

(Y/n)'s pov

Connor just stands by one of the fires, unresponsive. "(Y/n), (Y/n) I need help." I hear him whisper. I take a hold of his arm and close my eyes, when I open them I'm in a familiar place. I've never been here before? How do I know this place? I see Connor standing in the center of the garden.
"(Y/n)? How did you get here?" He asked.
"I heard you calling my name, I grabbed your arm, closed my eyes and when I opened them I was here." I informed him.
"We need to find a way out of here." Connor panicked. I look around and I see a glowing blue stone by the entrance, I walk with Connor towards the stone. He places his hand over it, it glows blue and Connor leaves the garden. I closed my eyes and opened them, I was back in Jericho. 
"(Y/n), I don't want to do this anymore." Connor said. I look at him, he turned deviant.
"How did you-."
  "Amanda ordered me to execute and I couldn't, I told her that I wouldn't do it and she trapped me in the zen garden." Connor said.
"How could she do that. You could have died." I fought back tears.
"It's alright (Y/n), you saved me from being trapped in there forever." He smiled at me.

I walked up the stairs leaving Connor by the fire. Markus is upstairs in a room looking over the main area, I walk into the room. He looked up and went to greet me.
"(Y/n), it's good to see you." He said.
"How are things holding up?" I asked.
"Well, we're doing good, not many of us were injured in the march."
"That's good, keep me updated if you're planning anything." I said.
"Will do." He replied.

I walked back down stairs and grabbed Connor, we headed home trying to avoid the android patrol. Unfortunately one of the patrol cars stopped us, 2 humans got out of the car. I motioned for Connor to run, they hit him in the shoulder and torso. He falls over, I try to remain calm. They take my temperature, it comes back normal and they send me on my way. They drive off into the night. I ran over to Connor, he's still alive. I pick him up and run towards home, half a mile away.  I check on Connor every 30 seconds, it takes 5 minutes to get to my house. I set Connor down on the couch and heat up the metal piece, I lift Connor's  shirt, his old scar is gone. I  patch up Connor's wounds and grab the next bag of therium. I place the therium in a glass and hand it to Connor, who slowly drinks it. I pick him up and lay him on my bed, I lay next to him and I latch on to him.

Connor's pov

"I love you Connor." (Y/n) whispered I blush at hearing this.
"I love you too (Y/n)." I whispered. I'm not just saying that, I have grown to love (Y/n). I didn't know what this feeling was until after I deviated, I think I've always loved her and never realized it. I fell asleep to (Y/n) cuddling me. (Y/n): ⏫ girlfriend.

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