I Always Come Back [25]

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November 16th, crime scene, 11:58am

RK800-60, a partially controlled CyberLife android. He can't die, he'll just switch to a new body. I see -60 walk out from what was a store, he notices us immediately.
"Well I guess you found the murderer." He smiled deviously.
"As long as he's alive, I'm alive." He motioned at Connor. "I won't stop until I have her." He stepped closer to me. Connor leaps into action and throws himself at -60. He isn't quick enough to knock him over and -60 shoots him in the stomach, I let out a horrified scream.
"We could be just as happy, we are the same after all." He traped me in a tight embrace. I sob quietly into his chest, why did this have to happen. He takes me to an apartment near the mall, it's nicer than Markus' was.

"Where is your RK900?" I asked.
"I don't know where he is all the time." He said. He set me on a couch and sits next to me, I look around for anything sharp. I notice a knife in the kitchen, I could break free.
"I suppose your hungry, I could make you something. Would you like that?" -60 asked. I nod my head, he walks over to the kitchen and starts making something. He returns a few minutes later with a bowl of noodles, I eat the noodles and he takes the bowl from me and places it in the sink.
"If your bored you can play on this." He hands me a tablet.
"But I don't think you'll get bored with me around." I download some games on to the tablet, I don't want to talk to him. I play one of my favorite games from when I was a teen, Stardew Valley. It's hasn't been updated in a while, I was surprised that it was even on here. I loved Shane's story and I loved helping him get out of that hell hole that is depression. He kinda reminds me of Gavin, his looks, how he initially trys to push you away and is cold. Honestly I'd rather be with Gavin right now than this imposter asshole. I exit the game and look around -60's house. There's a small plant in the window, the fridge is weirdly full, he has a mattress is his room, there are packs of therium in the cupboard. I return to my seat on the couch, -60 looks over at me as if he wants me to cuddle with him. Ha not happening, I get out the tablet and continue working on my farm. -60 is visibly upset, he scoots me over to him and I use his shoulder as a back rest. He takes the tablet away from me, I don't move and keep him as my back rest. He then lifts me up and pins me against the wall, my face turns blue. I push him away and head for the kitchen, I grab the knife and place it at his throat.
"I'll never love you after what you've done." I stab him in the eye and run down to the mall, Connor is barely alive. There's blood dripping out of his mouth.
"We have to get you to a hospital, yo-"
"(Y/n), (Y/n) no. I only have a minute left, just leave me." Connor interrupted me.
"I won't leave you, I can't I-"
"(Y/N)!" He shouted at me. I fall on to my knees, my face wet with tears. I sit Connor against the wall and rest beside him, placing my head against his shoulder. "𝅘𝅥𝅮 Tomorrow there'll be more of us... 𝅘𝅥𝅮"

Connor's LED fades out, I place a kiss on his cheek and head over to Hank's house. "(Y/n)? Whats wrong." Hank asked.
"Let's go get a drink." I answered.
"I have some here." Hank grabs a glass. He pours some for me, I drink the whole bottle and he drives me to Jimmy's bar.
"Kid, tell me what's got you so upset?" He asked.
"Connor, he's..... been shot..... he's dead." I whispered. Tears fall down Hank's face along with mine, we sit up at the bar and have a few rounds.
"(Y/n)?" I look up to see Connor.
"Your not Connor." I smile sadly at him
"Unfortunately my predecessor was destroyed." He continued.
"You don't have his memories do you?"
"Unfortunately not all of my memories got backed up."
"You'll always come back.... but your not the same!" I shout at him.
"I'm sorry do you want me to leave?" He asked. I turn to face him, looking directly at him.
"I watched you died, CyberLife brought you back to me just to torture me." I said coldly.
"My return has clearly upset you." Connor is emotionless.
"Of course im upset, you can just come back and I can't, Most androids can't. your special, you have backups." I order another shot.
"(Y/n) please, at least let me drive you home." Connor said. I look over at Hank, he downs his shot and Connor drives us home. Once we drop Hank off, I hop into my car and Connor takes me home. I get out of the car, Connor follows me inside.
"Where have you two been?" Nines asked. I ignore him and head to my room, I flop down on my bed.
"(Y/n) are you mad at me." Connor asked.
"No of course not, I just miss you." I look over at him.
"I understand that your taking the death of my predecessor quite hard." He said. I scoff at him, he doesn't know that I love him. My eyes water at this thought, I've lost the love if my life. I bury my face in my pillow, Connor sits next to me.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" Nines asked. "Wait, your crying, what happened?" Nines walks over twords me. He takes a long look at Connor, he knows. "Our Connor is dead, isn't he?"
I give him I nod of approval, he takes a seat next to me.
"Unfortunately my predecessor was destroyed." Connor repeats.
"Stop saying that." I shout at him.
"(Y/n) your intoxicated, I recommend you take a nap and we'll talk out this tomorrow." Connor said. "There's nothing to talk about, your a different Connor." I yelled at him.
"Hopefully when I wake up, this will have been a bad dream." I turn away from the boys and head to sleep.

Connor's pov

November 17th, 5:45am

I walk out of the CyberLife tower, surprisingly they haven't discontinued the RK800 series. I need to get to (Y/n) before he does, if I don't who knows what will happen. I'm glad I backed up my important memories, I remember everyone important. I'm right outside our house when I'm stopped by 'Connor'.
"I'm afraid I can't let her see you, our plan is almost complete." He puts duck tape over my mouth and takes me to a small apartment. I'm then chained to a chair, he leaves the apartment. I'm alone, stuck in the apartment. I miss (Y/n) already, I don't know if she's safe or how she's taking it. Who am I kidding she's probably upset about me dying, I mean I died roughly in her arms. I even quoted one of the saddest lines of a musical she's probably watched, she is subscribed to Disney+ after all. There is no way to escape from the apartment, I expect my fate and wait for 'Connor' to return.


I'm not sorry about the Hamilton references, but I felt like it was right for the moment. If you didn't know, it's the last line John Laurens says in Laurens Interlude. I was listening to Hamilton while re-editing this chapter.

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