Kidnapped [18]

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November 13th, ???, 7:01am

I am rudely woken up by a swift kick to the stomach, I look around but it's to dark to see. I activate my thermal mode, there's 5 humans and 3 androids in the room. There is another figure in the room as well but I can't tell if  they're human. I'm tied up with regular rope and not carbon fiber rope, I can't break through it though. I was not made to break out of captivity. I feel a blind fold on my eyes get taken off, it's still dark but I can see 2 LEDs. One flashing red and the other flashing yellow, one injured android one concerned android. Connor and Nines are here with me, are they okay? How bad is the damage? Is Nines okay? Is my Connor dying and I can't stop it? My heart races and my breathing increases, I can't think straight. I crawl over to the boys, not caring if I get caught.
"(Y/n)?" It's Nines. His voice is slightly deeper than Connors and distinguishable from his slightly higher pitched eccentric brother.
"Yes its me." I whispered.
"I'm sorry, they came in late last night and they hurt Connor pretty bad. I had to follow their orders or they were going to kill him, destroying parts of his memory." Nines explained.
"It's fine, your okay and Connor is alive. That's all that matters." I try to calm him down. I assess Connor's damages, his body is trying to stop the internal bleeding. Most advanced prototype, Nines probably has the same feature. He might be awake in 30 minutes or in 3 hours. I bury my face into Nines' chest and cry, quite sobs fill the room. I pull away and he wipes my tears. "I just want him to wake up." I start to cry again.
"Me too (Y/n)."


I keep an eye on Connor, 30 minutes not awake. Our captor returns to the room, I use my body to shield Connor. The leader takes my by the hair and throws me across the room, I hit the wall and let out a pained noise. Nines struggles to get out of the ropes and the leader turns on the electrical wire tied above the cabon fiber rope. The rope shocks him and digs into his skin. I let out a whimper and the leader stopped shocking him.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"You may call me C." The leader said. "And my brother, you can call him R."
"Charmed." R said. R had a deeper voice than C did, I wonder who's older.
"Why are we here?" I ask.
"Because I need you and keeping them alive is how to keep you alive, come with me." He has the gaurds lift me up and follow him out of the room, we walk into a well lit room but I can't make out his face. I take a seat at the chair across from him.
"You can't make or receive any messages while in here, I have an android blocker powered on." He explained. "Also no, you can't see my face it's covered up with anti detection makeup and my hair has been styled so you can't recognize it." I look up at him, the bastard who brought me here. Brown hair brown eyes, could be anyone. I glare at him, I don't care who he is, I hate him.
"Now, I wish to know where the deviant leader is." C said. "I'm going to kill him and his friends, stopping deviants from becoming 'human'."
"I'll never tell you where he his, I'll protect him with my life." I declared.
"Really, I know your the hybrid everyone I talking about (Y/n)." He smirked.
"How did-."
"I know a lot about you (Y/n)." He Interrupted. "I will manipulate you with your human emotions." He signals R to get something and he leaves the room. He returns with Connor and throws him in the chair, setting back repairs. C frees my hands and I run over to Connor, I hug him and run my fingers trough is hair. C looks jealous, I kiss Connor cheek. C rips me away from Connor and cuts his cheek.
"Leave him alone, I beg of you." I feel tears ready to fall down my face. I won't let them fall, I won't show fear.
"If I help you, you'll let them go?" I negotiated.
"Yes." He said.
"Fine...." I agree to help him. C and R walk over to the closet, they grab jackets and put them on. They blind fold me and move me into a car and take me back home. I walk into my house and they take me to my room, they hand me clothes and demand that I change. I comply and change, a hoodie and leather jeans.
"Let's go, take off the blind fold." C demands. He lifts up the blind fold I look straight at him and I'm in total shock.

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