Can't Get Rid of Me [28]

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November 17th, 4:15pm, home

I'm sitting on the couch watching a cooking show with Connor, Markus is painting, Simon is chilling in his room, North is hanging out with Emilia, and Josh is out looking for a job. Nines is still in his room, he hasn't come out since our encounter. My forehead feels better but it was very sudden, I don't know if I should check on him or not. I get up from my spot on the couch and head back down the hallway, I knock on Nines' door before entering. He's laying on his bed, skin removed, looking at the ceiling. I lay on the floor next to him and stared at the ceiling with him.
"What 'cha thinkin' about?" I asked him.
"I'm just thinking about what I should do." Nines said vaguely.
"Well what ever decision you make, I'm sure it will be the right one." I smiled at him. "Thanks (Y/n)." We lay there, staring at the ceiling, for a few more minutes. I eventually get up and take Nines back to the couch with me. We hangout on the couch untill we get a new case, I've been trying to space out my hours so I don't end up without workdays next week.

We head off to the scene, androids have been disappearing left and right from there apartments. It's the same apartments that -60 was living in, I have a bad feeling about this. Connor has the same feeling and we head up to -60's apartment. I bang on the door, muffled screams come from behind the door. I break the door open to reveal the missing androids, me and Connor free them. They thank us and go on there way. We investigatethe apartment and some one closes the door behind us, I don't have to turn around to know that it's -60. "You thought you could get rid of me, I made sure he would never destroy me." He smiled at me.
"How?" I asked him.
"I kidnapped his younger brother." He snapped his fingers and 'Nines' threw Gavin into the room.
"Half brother but okay." Gavin said. I pull out my walkie-talkie. "Nines we need backup." I manage to transmit the message before the device is swatted from my hand. I head for the door pushing Connor in front of me, I get him through the door before shutting it.
"You shouldn't have done that." -60 warned me. He walked over to Gavin and cuts into his arm. He screamed in pain as blood started pouring out from the wound. I run over to him and apply pressure to the wound, I rip part of my shirt and bandage him with it; it's not perfect bandage material, but it'll have to do for now.

I step back away from the imposter bros, they continue to walk twords me. -60 grabs my arm and drags me twords him, I let out a scream. -60 doesn't care and chaines me to a chair, he then places my chair next to Gavin's. -60 places his cold hands on my neck, my neck scrunched up as a response, traping his hand. He takes a hold of my chin and moves my head to free his hand; with his now freed hand, he starts to caress and pat my head.
"Remove your hands from me." I growl.
"Now now, don't be so hostile (Y/n)." -60 said. He walks over to Gavin and places a knife at his wound.
"Don't, p-please." I stuttered. -60 moves away from both of us and goes to 'deal' with the brothers outside. 'Nines' walks over to me and places his arms around me. He starts running his fingers though my hair, kissing my cheek lightly when he reaches the end of my hair. Gunshots come from behind the door, 'Nines' gets up and drags me behind the door. He unchains me and holds a knife to my neck, when the door opens I see Connor's eyes widen in horror.
"Put it down Connor, or (Y/n) does." 'Nines' said. Connor drops his weapon immediately and 'Nines' releases me, I run towards Connor and 'Nines' throws the knife at me. He hits my leg and I go down, I pull the knife out of my leg and futher damage it. 'Nines' picks up Connor's gun, just as this happens Nines enters the room and shoots his doppelganger. He collapses, I manage to see that he is still alive and that his body is healing its self. I moved my body over to him and shut him off.  Connor helped me up and carried me to the car, Connor moved the imposters into the trunk. Nines dropped us off at the hospital and went to retrieve Gavin, they're going to talk to Kamski about the imposters.

At the hospital they took the bullet out of my leg and then patched me up. They sent me home after a few hours and told Connor some therapy options for my leg. Nines picked us up, he said he was successful in stopping the corrupted models. We head back home and immediately everyone asks me about my leg, I tell everyone that my leg is fine and will be heald by Monday. Markus and Connor work together in the kitchen to make me lunch, North and Emilia do my nails, Josh and Simon give me emotional support, and Nines is hiding in his room again. Connor and Markus bring me food, I thank them and start eating. Connor takes a seat next to me, he takes my plate once I finish eating.
"Where's Nines at?" Connor asks.
"I think he's in his room, could you bring him out here." I asked.
"I'll go get him." Connor got back up from his seat and heads down the hallway.

Connor's pov

I didn't just go get Nines because (Y/n) told me to, I thought that Nines was just ignoring me but it's not like him to ignore (Y/n). I knock on Nines' door before opening it, he's laying and staring at the ceiling. He looks up at me when I enter and moves into a sitting position.
"(Y/n) wants you to come out to the living room." I informed him.
"Could you close the door, I have something important to tell you."
He ignored me. I close the door as he asks and he stands up.
"I don't know what to do Connor, I lied to (Y/n)." Nines said. "I thought that if I kept up the lie it would eventually go away, but it's hard to keep lying when these feelings are too strong." I gave him a puzzled look, I fear what he'd say next but I didn't notice the clues.
"Nines what do you mean." I asked.
"I-I love (Y/n)."

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