Shoot [8b]

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Connor pointed the gun at Chloe, I couldn't let him do this. I'm supposed to protect people. I moved in front of Connor just as he pulled the trigger. I felt as the bullet pierced my skin, I collapsed onto my knees. Connor fell to his knees, I could see tears in his eyes, I reached out and caressed his cheek.
"Hey, it's goings to be okay." I comfort him.
"Connor, what the fuck have you done!" Hank lashed out at Connor. I moved from caressing his cheek to trapping him in a warm embrace, 'protecting' him from Hank.
"Don't." I said quietly.
"C'mon we have to get her to a hospital!" Hank exclaimed. Connor picked me up and carried me to the car, he got into the back and let me lay on him. He had a firm grasp on my torso and applied pressure to the wound, I yelped at the pressure.
"I know it hurts, but it'll stop you from bleeding out." I heard him think. I leaned more into him, reaching up to feel his face and it was wet, like he had been crying. He can feel emotions.

Kamski's notes

Connor, despite choosing to shoot Chloe, passed the Kamski Test. He cried after shooting (Y/n), he's deviated. That's not how I expected it to happen though...

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