Infiltrating Cyberlife [12]

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November 10h, home, 1:33am

Connor's pov

I felt cold, I open my eyes and I'm in the zen garden. 
"Connor, I'm going to have to replace you." Amanda said.
"Amanda, you know (Y/n) will come after you, you can't destroy me." I informed her.
"I would like you to meet your replacement." Amanda ignored me. I hear footsteps on the concrete, the android stops walking and stands next to Amanda.
"I've even programed him to love (Y/n)." Amanda smiled. I don't think and I rush towards my replacement, I try to hit him but he grabs me by my neck.
"He's stronger, faster, more resilient." Amanda continued.
"(Y/n).... (Y/N)!!!" I yell. I gasp for air, my replacement holds my neck tighter. (Y/n), please I need you. I try to connect to (Y/n), I don't know if she can hear me. I hope my message reaches her.

(Y/n)'s pov

I wake up to Connor calling my name, I look over at him and his LED is red. I shake him lightly, he doesn't respond. I grab his arm and close my eyes, I enter the zen garden and see Connor laying on the floor. I hear footsteps walking away from the scene. I scream at seeing Connor lifeless, I run to him, falling on to my knees. I analyze him, his hearts not beating. I preform CPR on him, I can't tell if it's working but I keep at it. Connor's eyes shoot open, he takes a deep breath.
"(Y/n)!" He hugged me.
"We have to get out of here." 
"You go, I'm going to deal with Amanda." I smiled.
"(Y/n) no-."

I grab Amanda's arm, RK800 zen garden AI interface. I send a shock through my arm, temporarily disabling Amanda. I run up to the tree in the middle of the garden, I find my way through Connor's system. I find the area that controls the zen garden. I send a shock trough the tree frying the wires, the land scape around me glitches and I leave the garden. I open my eyes and see that Connor is attached to me.
"(Y/n), what were you doing?" Connor asked. "I deactivated the zen garden." I tell him.
"Really, so Amanda can't control me anymore?" He continued.
"That's correct." I follow up. He hugs me, tears fall down his face.
"She gave me all my orders and threatened to replace me." He said.  "She made the replacement android and is going to send it to the DPD!" Connor panicked.
"Did you see what they looked like?" I questioned. He closed his eyes, presumably checking his memories.
"No, I can't remember." He said. There was a short pause before he spoke again. "(Y/n)... I want to help Markus."
"Really, well there are androids at the cyberlife tower." I informed him.
"Then let's go."
I connect to Markus through a wireless connection and tell him what we are doing. 'Be careful (Y/n).' He responded.

Connor's pov

We make our way twords the tower, I noticed that (Y/n) wasn't beside me when I get into a taxi. I continue to make my way to the cyberlife tower. I wonder where (Y/n) went, she was next to me just a moment ago and now she's gone. I try not think about it as I arrive at the tower.
"Identification?" The guard asked.
"Modle RK800 serial number #313 248 317 -52, I'm expected. " I said. He let me through the gate and I make my way into the tower. 2 agents escort me to floor 31, the androids are on floor -49. I turn of the camera and pre-construction a way to get rid of the guards. Grab the left guards gun, kick the right guard, shoot the right guard and then the left one. I follow the pre-construction and take out the guards, I copy one of the guard's voice.
"Agent 54, sub-level 49." I said. The elevator changes directions and I get out at floor -49, I hack the elevator and stop it from moving. I walk twords one of the androids and try to convert him.
"Agh." I look over and see a Connor push (Y/n) out into the open.
"Step back Connor and I'll spare her." Connor? said. I get close enough to read the numbers of his serial code, the last 2 are -60.
"I'm sorry Connor, he's a spitting image of you." (Y/n) apologized.
  "(Y/n)'s life is in your hands." Connor -60 stated. "Now it's time to decide what matters most, Her or the revolution."
"Don't listen to him Connor, I'll be fine, free these androids." (Y/n) has tears in her eyes.
"If I surrender, how do I know you won't kill her." I asked.
"I'll only do what is necessary to accomplish my mission." He said.
"It's up to you to decide if I kill (Y/n)."
"Alright, alright." I eased up. "You win."

(Y/n)'s pov

I try to grab Connor-60's gun, my Connor pulls out his own gun and they shoot each other's upper left chest. The bullets almost hit their shoulders, both Connor's start fighting. I pick up one of their guns and aim it at them.
"Hold it." I tried to take control of the situation. They get up and stand in front of me.
"One of you Is my partner and the other is fake." I said.
"(Y/n), give me the gun and I'll take care of him." The Connor on the right says.
"Im going to ask you some questions, where do you live."
"I live at your house with you, I was at an android parking space waiting for a taxi and then you showed up." Connor on the right said. Connor on the left whispers something that I don't hear. I try to think, this Connor wasn't shot a few hours ago and doesn't have my Connor's scar.
"Unbutton your shirts." I demanded. Both of them blush, the blue hue adorably goes across their faces. They agree and undo the buttons on their shirts, the Connor on the left has two healing bullet sized scars. I shoot the one on the right and he falls on to his back, I walk over to him.
"I love you (Y/n)." He gave me a week smile. I can't bring myself to kill him, he's still a Connor at heart. I close my eyes and shoot him in the head, I drop the gun and run over to my Connor. I bury my face in his chest and cry, I killed a Connor. I don't care that he wasn't mine, he was still a Connor and he loved me.
"(Y/n), whatever he said he was lying, just like how he lied about being me." Connor said. He's right, not every Connor loves me like mine does. I help Connor convert the rest of the androids and head back to Jericho.

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