Rising Tension [6]

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November 8th, 10:30am, home

I wake up to a knock on my door. Connor has made me breakfast again. I walk out of my room and take a seat at the dining table. Connor sets my plate down. I eat quickly and head to work. I go for my desk with Connor following shortly behind, or so I thought. I hear shouting and turn around to see Gavin messing with Connor again. He is on the floor again getting repeatedly kicked by Gavin. I walk over and Gavin stops kicking Connor.
"Well if it isn't (Y/n)." Gavin walked over to me and pins me against the wall, his breath smells of alcohol. "You really thought there wouldn't be consequences" He said
"wha-" I try to speak but Gavin bites down on my neck. I can feel my face warm up. I try to push him off, but he is too strong. He let's go of my neck.
"Now we're even." He casually walks away. I run over to Connor, he is laying on his side.
"Connor." I lift him up.
"(Y/n)." He gives me a smile. He has blood dripping from his nose, it's all over his shirt too.
"I'm sorry I couldn't stop him." Connor said.
"Hey, stay in there, I'll be back." I tell him I run as fast as I can back to my house. I grab the therium that I bought the other day. I run back to the police station. The entire trip taking 45 seconds. I run back to Connor.
"Hey, wake up." I said.
"I got the therium." No, get up please. Tears roll down my cheeks. Get up, you have to, for me. Connor I still need you. The tears won't stop. No please, this can't be real. I wasn't gone that long, your just trying to save energy. "Why, why, why..." Why couldn't I save him? Why.

~* Hank's pov *~

I was rudely called into work. Said something about an emergency. I walk into Fowler's office.
"Your partner is over by the break room." He said.
"Don't you mean partners?" I asked.
"No I mean partner." He answered. Shit. I run over to the break room. As I do I hear the word 'why' being repeated over and over again. I see (Y/n) on the ground next to Connor's body.

~* (Y/n)'s pov *~

I want to try one last thing. I touch the panel near Connor's therium pump. I reconnect all the wires in Connor's body and I turn him on. The wires spark but Connor doesn't respond. I hug his lifeless body and I sob into his chest, Hank has to remove me from Connor's body so they can move him. I walk home, I don't have the energy to open the door. I just manage hit the lock and push on the door. The door automatically closes behind me. I go to my room and I stay there. I blankly stare at the wall. I don't get visitors, I don't want visitors. I don't want food. I don't want anything.

~* Connor's pov *~

I walk out of the cyberlife tower and head in to town to find Lieutenant Anderson. I make my way to his house and I knock on the door. He opens it, shocked.
"Hello Lieutenant." I waved.
"Connor, how the hell are you back." Hanks said. "I saw your body."
"Before my predecessor died, he uploaded his memories. I know what he knows and how he feels about certain things." I informed him.
"We need to get you to (Y/n)." Hank said. He drives me over to (Y/n)'s place. I open the door to her house. She doesn't seem to be I the living room or kitchen, I open the door to her bedroom and she is sitting there, lifeless. She doesn't notice me enter her room, I walk over to her bedside.
"(Y/n)?" I asked
"Connor?" She looks up at me, her lifeless eyes light up.
"I thought you were dead." She huged me.
"I just had to reboot." I lied. She sobbed into my chest.
"Don't ever leave me like that, ever."
"I won't, I promise." I smiled. she sinks into her bed, she deserves nap after the day she had. I take a seat on the end of her bed. Error... I close my eyes to find I am in the zen garden.

In the garden it's drizzling, the rain makes a nice sound on the path. I spotted Amanda under a tree.
"Ah, Connor. I see you've been getting closer to this (Y/n)." Amanda said.
"Well yes, she has invited me to live in her house, instead of at the tower." I informed her. "She told me it is safer in there than walking on the street at night."
"I am aware, but I fear you may be compromised if you get any closer."
"She is also my other work partner." I said.
"Well don't let her get in your head Connor." Conflicting instructions. I exit the zen garden. Software instability ⏫

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