Hospital Veiwl [9b]

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[Shoot, continued]

When I arrived at the ER, they preformed emergency surgery to get the bullet out of me. They said they had to bring in a tech specialist to help me. Once I was out of surgery, I was taken to a recovery room.

I laid in my hospital bed, Connor wouldn't stop apologizing for shooting me and hasn't left my side, I managed to convince the nurse to let him stay. On the TV, breaking news. I sit up to watch it.

“There is a group of androids marching near Hart Plaza, the group is suspected of vandalizing said plaza last night." The news anchor said. I can see that Markus is leading them, the Detroit Roit Unit is up ahead. There going to shoot them!
"It looks like their leader is trying to talk to the unit" The news anchor continued.
Markus walks out to them and they shoot him. Gunshots can be heard outside. I whimper and place my hands over my mouth. Connor turns off the TV. Tears start to run down my face, Connor noticed and hugged me, being careful not to touch my wounded torso too much. I get out of bed, dragging my IV bag with me, I look out the window and zoom in. My room is on a higher floor, maybe I could see Hart Plaza. I spot it, I zoom in some more and see Simon and North helping a wounded Markus get away from the plaza. I smile knowing that they got away safely.

My nurse said that I could leave in an hour and brought me the discharge papers. While I fill out the paper work, I get a call from Fowler. He said he needs us in his office ASAP.

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