My Name Is (Y/n) [2]

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Cyberlife training facility, Detroit, Michigan, November 3rd, 2038.

My vision comes back, I can see again.
"Where am I." I said.
"You're at an android training facility." A mysterious voice comes from a distance. I didn't know that they had to train androids? Maybe they're testing certain programs out. "I know what you're thinking, and yes this is a special facility used to test prototype programming." The voice said. "Oh and try not to talk with the other android." I walk to the left and bump into the other android.
"Hello, my name is Connor. "My training is to perfect my detective program." The android said. "Why are you here?"
"I don't know." I said. "I presume for the same thing, I'm also a detective."

The next 2 days went by in a flash, when the cameras weren't looking we tested each other's skill, on November 5th however; Connor was no where to be seen. I knew eventually we'd get separated, that's why we weren't allowed to talk for long.
"Where's Connor?" I asked. "They took Connor to it's new assignment." The voice said.
"When will I be able to go back to work?" I asked.
"I suppose you could go tomorrow." The voice left me with the excitement of heading back to work; I miss my friends.

November 6th.

I'm transported to my work, as soon as I see the precinct, I get excited. I can feel my heart race. It's about 9:50 when I arrive, there's not a lot of people I recognize. I walk into the Capitan's office and see a familiar face. Fowler is sitting at he desk. He doesn't look like he's aged since the last time I seen him.

"I lived." I said.

"Are you sure I'm not just seeing ghosts?" He said
"I assure you I'm no ghost."
"Glad your back."
I make my way over to Gavin's desk.
"The phu-" He looks up at me, he's speechless.  "(Y/n), is that really you." He touched my cheek.
"In the flesh." I responded, he pulled me into a tight embrace.
"I missed you so much (Y/n), we all did." Gavin eventually released me and I take a seat at Hank's desk.

"Oh, your actual at wo-" I look up to see Connor. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" 
"I work here Connor."
"Interesting, I believe they may have forgotten to wipe our memory after training" he said. "Don't want anymore deviants than we already have."
"They can't do that, just erase someone like that."
"Are you a deviant (Y/n)?" Conner said with a stern voice.
"No, I'm part human." I said. Connor looked at me on disbelief. I pressed my finger into my left temple. My face, my right arm, and my torso skin disappeared and reveal an android shell. During those 2 days I learned that after my incident, they had to replace my heart with a therium pump, which surprisingly pumped therium through my organs instead of blood. It's a miracle that I survived.
"Unfortunately, Lieutenant Anderson is not here at the moment." Conner continued.
"Let me give him a call." I said. Conner hands me the phone.
"Hi this is Hank, I'm not here at the moment. You can leave a message, if that's what turns you on, just don't expect me to call back. Beep. Whatever." He still has the same voice mail.
"Hank get your lazy ass down here before I have to come get you."
"Unpermitted person on site." An officer yells. The officer runs over twords me and tasers my "heart". My eyes light up, I can feel the energy flowing through me.
"Thanks for the charge." I pull out my badge. 
"Read it and weep." The officer takes my badge and glares at me before giving it back.
"That would have killed a normal person, your not normal, are you?" Gavin said.
"They had to replace most of my body with android parts." I rubbed my arm.
"Sounds like something my brother would do." Gavin said under his breath.
"Hm?" I said just barely catching his words.
"It's nothing." Gavin waved it off.
"I should warn you that I don't have all of my memories, they couldn't store all my memories in my body.  I was told that I wouldn't remember anything past 2 years ago." I told Gavin.
  "What the hell did he do to you." Gavin muttered.
  "What?" I said, completely missing his sentence.
"I'm just happy your back." Gavin smiled. 
"Anyway, have fun waiting for Hank." He returned to his work leaving me and Connor waiting for Hank.

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