Replaced [13]

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November 10th, home, 3:24am

Connor's pov

Me and (Y/n) return home after delivering the androids to Markus, he was planing tomorrow's protest and with more androids he can take more risks. It was a really long day and we have to be at work in 6 hours. I fall into bed, my body needs to rest. I grab (Y/n)'s hand and close my eyes, fearing the worst but it was gone. The zen garden really had been deactivated. I open my eyes and I'm in the evidence room, I'm on the floor. I can't move or feel my limbs, I analyze my damages, I have a therium leak and my forehead is bleeding. My body repairs some of the damages and I regain control of my arms. I look to my right and see (Y/n) on the floor, I crawl over to her. She isn't moving, I place my hand on her face and check to see if she's still alive. There's a 50% chance that she'll make it, I begin CPR. It doesn't work and she doesn't wake up. I scream, tears fall down my face. I feel as I'm being shaken, I open my eyes and (Y/n) is shaking me lightly.


I sit up and she hugs me.
"(Y/n) what's going on?" I asked.
"Your LED was red and you were crying." She explained. "What happened."
"I had a nightmare that you died in the evidence room." I said.
"Your dream system probably uses memories." She stated. I analyze the system, it works by taking any location that I know and any person I know and creates a situation. If I've been in a traumatic situation it will activate a nightmare instead of a dream. I told (Y/n) what I've learned and go make her breakfast. I set her plate down and tell her that breakfast is ready. She eats quickly and we head to work, the walk is short as the DPD is only a few blocks away. I can see the DPD but something grabs me and pulls me into the alleyway.

"Hello again Connor." I look up and see... me? It's a taller version of me, he's in a black button up shirt and white jacket, black pants and dress shoes. He has blue-gray eyes, cold and unfeeling. He knees me in the stomach, hitting my therium pump. I double over and he picks me up, he takes me to (Y/n)'s house and locks me in the basement. He takes my shirt and jacket, leaving me shirtless. I'm tied up and locked in my own basement, I'm tied up with a carbon fiber rope that rubbed off some of my skin when I moved. I turn on night vision and look around, I'm against the wall and a silence cube is placed around me. It's illegal to own one, but the police used to use them a long time ago. No one can hear me scream, I sit in silence hoping that (Y/n) will find me.

(Y/n)'s pov

Detroit Police Department, 10:57am

I walk into the DPD, Connor runs and catches up with me.
"What kept you." I asked him.
"I stopped to look at my surroundings and when I turned back you were already gone, I assumed you were already at work so I ran to catch up to you."
He responded. I grab his hand and his face turns blue, he's so cute when he rants. We walked to my desk, I sit down and pick up my phone, I call the FBI.
"Caption Damian Evans speaking." The man on the other end said.
"Hi this is (Y/n) (L/n) with the Detroit Police Department. Can you put me through to special agent Perkins?" I asked.
"One moment." I wait until I hear a phone being picked up on the other end.
"Special agent Richard Perkins, what can I do for you?" He asked.
"You have any luck getting any information on Jericho?" I asked him.
"Who is this?" "This is detective (Y/n) (L/n). You know once your done we're going to get the case back right?" He hangs up on me. Hanks looks at Connor, he tilts his head.
"Connor, have you always had blueish-grey eyes?" He asked. "I could have sworn your eyes were brown."
"I can change my eye color at anytime. Do you like me with blue-gray eyes?" Connor answered the question with a question.
"I don't care what color your eyes are, what ever color you choose I'll like." I said.
"Of course." His eyes stay blue. Despite what I said, I prefer Connor with brown eyes, it's his original eye color after all.

"Connor's" pov

(Y/n) hasn't noticed that I'm not Connor, I mean I look exactly like him. My programing even has me love (Y/n), it makes me exactly like Connor in every way.
Captain Fowler sent us home as no new cases came in, the FBI now handles deviant cases at it went from a few cases to a civil war. This is now a case of national security and a police department doesn't have enough power to take care of it. Even though we have me and found all the evidence that the FBI didn't, we are perfectly capable of doing this. Me and (Y/n) head home, the sun still high in the sky. (Y/n) opens the door and sits on the couch, I follow and sit next to her. She flips on some show and rests on my shoulder. She seems really interested in this show, the episodes are long and she falls asleep after watching a few of them. I turn off the TV and pick up (Y/n), I take her to her room and set her down on her bed. I lift up the covers and tightly tuck her in to bed. I give her a kiss on the forehead and head for the door, I open it trying not to wake (Y/n).
"Connor? come lay by me." (Y/n) whispered.
"If you insist." I walked over to her bed. I take off 'my' jacket and set it on the nightstand, I get in the bed and (Y/n) cuddled with me.

Connor's pov

I've been in here for 6 hours and 49 minutes, the time is 5:44pm. I've tried to scream, but no one can hear me. The silence cube must be broken because I can hear everything going on outside, I hear (Y/n)'s door open.
"Connor? come lay by me." I hear (Y/n)'s voice.
"If you insist." I hear RK900's voice. He's similar to me in every way, but he's stronger and more resilient than I am.
"I love you Connor." (Y/n) said. A spear goes through my heart, I lower my head tears fall down my face and on to the floor.
"I love you to (Y/n)." Amanda wasn't lying, she programed the RK900 to love (Y/n). I try to Break out of the ropes, it rubs of some skin. I scream in pain and fall on to my side, I sob quietly into the floor.


You may be curious about how the silence cube works. It's a small device that creates a vacuum-like area around a room. Only those inside the area can hear each other. There are two types: one that let's you hear the outside and one that can't. You may also question why Connor just doesn't move a few feet forward and it's because the carbon fiber rope rubs off android skin, which they can repair, but the rope also slows the healing process. The rope is used specifically to tie up androids. There's also an android rope that has spikes, the spikes dig into the shell and can make the android relive their worst nightmare.

The bubble was used by the police to secure crime scenes before they realized it would be dangerous if a criminal got their. And the rope is made by android haters and torturers like Zlatko.

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