A 'Normal' Work Day [23]

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November 15th, home, 7:30am.

I open my eyes and roll out of bed, I hit the floor with a satisfying thud.
"(Y/n)?" Connor looks over at me. I get up and dust myself off, it's really easy to roll out of my bed. I pick an outfit from the closet and change, jeans, crop top, and my leather jacket. I change and leave my room, in the living room Markus is setting up his easel. That's right he lived with Carl Manfred, he injured the painters son.
"Hey Markus, where are Josh and North?" I asked.
"Oh! They lived with us, when you stopped by, they were out freeing Tracis." Markus said.
"When you see them, tell them they can come live with us. I'll clean up the attic." I head upstairs and start moving stuff. I leave my pool table, dart board, and Foosball table up there. I throw out all the empty boxes, donate my old clothes, and put my instruments in my closet. I used to play electric guitar and sing in a band, I also played the piano in my spare time (which I left upstairs).

I get a call about an aggravated assault case. Me and Nines head over to the scene and surprise surprise, Gavin is there as well. I hold on to Nines as we investigate the android.
"He told me that I was no good and didn't deserve to be alive." The android stated.
"He pulled a knife on me and I disarmed him, cutting his hand in the prosses."
"Show me." I reach my arm out to them.
"Your that hybrid aren't you. You helped save us." They give me there arm and show me exactly what happened.
"They aren't lying, the human started it. He pulled a knife and the android pulled it away from him, accidentally cutting him." I explain. "You're free to go." They thank me and go on there way, I walk over to the human. A hand touches my shoulder I scream. Nines runs over to me and smacks the person that touched me. I hear a thud and turn around to see Gavin on the floor.
"Help me put him in the car." I sigh.
We head back to the station for a new case, we swap partners and I'm with Hank, just like the old days. We head over for to to the next case.

A neighbor heard screaming earlier this morning, The victim is a woman named Patricia Wells. She's been arrested for sexual asault, she frequented the eden club before buying a house android. Her body was found in the kitchen, though the struggle happened in the bedroom. She was stabed a few times in the chest, I reconstruct the scene. In the kitchen, Patricia ran after the android and got stabed in the chest. She fell on to the chair breaking it and crawled to the kitchen wall, she was stabed again and again.
They came from the bedroom, the victim ripped the androids clothes and threw them on to the bed. The android deviated and rolled off the bed, got up quickly and ran to the kitchen. But where did the android go, I check for traces of therium and find none. I check the the closet and find nothing, Hank checks the bathroom and gets ambushed by the android. Hank is now being held hostage, I try to approach the android.
"Stay back or he gets it." The android said.
"My names (Y/n), what's your name?" I asked him.
"My name is Ryan." He said.
"You may know me, I'm the hybrid everyone is talking about." I remove my skin. He drops the knife and let's Hank go, he looks up at me.
"You are the hybrid, you can help us, you are the future of humans and androids." The android slits his throat. I'm now covered in blood, I turn away and run to Hank's car. Hank follows shortly after.
"Are you okay kid." He asked.
"He was only defending himself, he would have been let go if not given a light sentence. He didn't have to do that." I'm still in shock.
"I'll take you home so you can change." Hank said. He drives me home and let's me out of the car. I open the door and screams ring out.

"(Y/n)! Your covered in blood, are you okay." Markus walks over to me.
"Yeah, I'm fine. An android killed himself while we were investigating a murder." I could feel tears well up.
"It's going to be okay (Y/n). Why don't I make you lunch." Markus said.
"That sounds nice, thank you." I go to my room and change into something more comfy, my DPD hoodie and sweatpants. Markus made me some spaghetti, I sit down and eat. I thank Markus for the food and head back to work.

When we get back to work Connor and Nines are waiting at my desk.
"(Y/n) are you alrig-."
"Yes I'm fine!" I shouted at him. Connor looks away from me and runs from the desk, I see him go into the break room. I look down, I didn't mean to yell at him, it's just I'm tired of being asked if I'm fine. If I wasn't I could just turn of my emotions. I look to the left and realize that Gavin isn't at his desk.
"Nines, is Gavin in the break room." I panicked.
"Yeah, why?" Nines asked. Shit. I run over to the break room and see Gavin hitting Connor, he's saying something but I jump on to his back and bring him down. I check on Connor, his led is red and a red glow is coming from his stomach.
"No, you can't do this to me, not again." Tears fall down my face.
"Again? So you know." Connor said.
"Yeah, your wounds were gone and I knew you had been reset, Your jacket also said -52 instead of -51."
"My love for you didn't change though, I felt a connection and that won't change." He gives me a smile. I scan him, his therium pump is damaged. I'm a perfect match, without thinking, I remove my therium pump and swap his out with mine. I'm in so much pain, everything hurts. More tears fall down my face.
"Nines I need you." Connor yells. Nines comes rushing into the room, he notices me immediately.
"(Y/n) what did you do."
"I'm giving my life for Connor's." I give him a smile.
"Connor, go down stairs and see if you can find a pump that matches ours." Nines orders. Connor runs out of the room, I feel really tired. I close my eyes, Nines hits me lightly to wake me up.
"You can't close you eyes, stay with me." He said. "Talk to me, spill out everything your thinking. It'll help you."
"Okay, I'll try." My tears slowly fall. "Did you know, I was friends with Gavin before I became part android. I swear he was less of an ass back then, I don't know what happened.
"Maybe there was a time back then where I may have liked him, but I guess that changed now that I love Connor, I mean I'm willing to give him my life.
"You're family too and I care for you as well, you have also saved my life many times. I don't know how I could repay you for all you've done for me." I spill everything that I'm thinking. Connor comes back after a few minutes and replaces my therium pump. I sat up and take a breather, I slap Connor and then hug both of the boys.
"Never, NEVER, do that again." Nines demand.
"Sorry for yelling at you." I hug them tighter.
"C'mon, you clearly need another day to rest." The boys lift me up and help me out of the room, they take me back home and leave me with the Jericrew.
"Your home early." Simon said.
"There was an incident at work, everyone is fine now." I informed him. "I've been instructed to take another day to rest."
"Also we found North and Josh." Simon continued.
"I'll show you around, if you wish to live here that is." I said.
"Its better here than the permitted android 'houses'."North said.
"You two will be living upstairs." I lead them up to the second floor. I show them the chill living room, complete with bean bags. I show them their rooms and take then back down stairs.
"Also if you guys want anything, tell me and I might buy it." I said. Instantly I am flooded with requests, Markus wants new brushes, paints and pallets, Simon wants new clothes, North wants a boxing dummy, and Josh wants some clay.
I go on Amazon and -with their help- buy said items. I then play the Sims 5 before I am interrupted.
"Hey (Y/n), I noticed there's a piano upstairs. Do you Know how to play it?" Markus asked.
"I do know how to play, I can also play the guitar and sing." I try not to brag.
"Well, would you preform something for us?" Markus asked.
"Of course, would you like to request something?" I asked.
"Well, how about the song you sang during our protest." Markus suggested.
"Sure." I sing it for them.

"Where did you learn that song?" Markus asked.
"My mother taught me it." My head hurts thinking about it.
"It's a song that can be interpreted many ways." Markus said. I hear the door open and Connor walks up the stairs.
"Hello everyone." Connor says.
"Hi Con." I smile.
"Woah, Connor lives with you too? He lead the police to Jericho and blew it up." North is pissed.
"What?" I asked.
"That loud boom we heard before you went to talk to the guy from the FBI, that was the police blowing up Jericho."
"I'm sure he had nothing to do with it and he helped us free all those androids." Simon defended him.
"He investigates android murders." Josh said.
"If (Y/n) trusts him, I trust him." Markus said.
"He's the deviant hunter." North explodes.
"He himself is a deviant." I said. Connor leaves the room.
"Con wait." I said, but he ignored me. I turn back to North. "You need to set aside your problems, I want everyone here to get along." I go after Connor.

"Con, she didn't mean it, she's just angry." I explained.
"I know, but she's right. I'm the reason the police found Jericho. I'm the reason they blew up Jericho. I lead Perkins right to the deviants. I don't deserve to be free like them." Connor adverted his gaze.
"Don't listen to a word she says, you deserve your freedom. CyberLife was controlling you and with Markus' help, you proved that even the most advanced prototype can deviate." I place my hand on his cheek.
"I love you (N/n)." Connor hugs me.
"I love you too Con." I place a kiss on his cheek and head back upstairs.

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