Recaptured [20]

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November 14th, Detroit Police Department, 1am

I walk into the department and head to the holding cells, 'Connor' and 'Nines' are still alive.
"(Y/n), I knew you'd be seeing me." Imposter Connor said.
"What did you do to Connor." I growled.
"Your a feisty one, I put Connor to sleep. I knew if you escaped I couldn't get you back unless I had something you want." He explained.
"I'll wake him up but you'll have to do as I say." He snapped his fingers and someone handcuffed me. A hand reach out and free the Imposter RK brothers. The ID belongs to Gavin, of course, we walk out of the precinct and head to my house. They allow me to write a letter to the boys, they tell me that
Connor will wake up in a few hours and that he'll be fine. We then drive off to a safe house, once we get inside they disable my ability to call people and my location tracker. They hang me by my wrists and don't bother to tie my feet, rookie mistake. I'm hanging just above the ground and my feet are dangling. Gavin caresses my cheek, he slips up and I bite him. He pulls his hand away and walks away from me, 'Connor' tosses him a med-kit. 'Nines' walks over to me and chokes me, he's holding something in his other hand.
"We can do things the easy way or the hard way." He lifts his hand to revel a ball gag. I don't fight and he releases his hand. 'Connor' grabs my arm and does something to my system, an error screen pops up and to fix it I have to reset. I don't want to reset, what if it removes my memories? Tears fall down my face, Gavin notices and wipes them away.
"Do what they say, and we'll get to go home." He said. What does he mean by that? Is there something I'm missing? Maybe the imposters promised they'd let Gavin have me if he helped them.

The error won't go away I don't want to reset, they can't make me.
"Bite her." 'Nines' said. Gavin walks twords me and I kick him away, I manage to swing myself off the the hook holding the rope. I hit the floor and was dragged up against the wall by 'Nines'. They tie me to a chair and Gavin and 'Nines' leave the room.
"You have to do this for me (Y/n), you can see 'me' again if you do." 'Connor' says.
"What if I forgot you?" I ask.
"You won't, the error is just a virus I planted in you. The virus will make you reset and will finish the rest of our plan." He explained.
"You will still have you memories, but they will be locked. I shouldn't say more, it'll spoil the fun." He left the room. I sit in silence, the only source of light is coming from the door to the hallway. My last known location would be right outside the safe house, I'm sure the boys will find me.

November 14th, home, 5:12am.

Connor's pov

My eyes open and I'm in my bed, Nines is sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Nines?" I questioned. He turned and hugged me, I hold him.
"Your finally awake." He pulled away.
"Were you waiting for me to get up?" I asked. "Yeah, you've been out for 24 hours and 10 minutes. (Y/n) was freaking out and wouldn't leave your side." He said.
"Wait where is (Y/n)?" I start panicking.
"The different versions of us probably took her, she left us a note." He leads me to the kitchen, there is a note and it's written in (Y/n)'s hand writing.
"Boys if your reading this, I've been captured by imposter Connor and Nines. Go onto my computer and insert my serial number into this website. To find the website login to my DPD account and find the website called android finder. Insert the code 05252018, the day CyberLife was founded. You should be able to find me and any android that's deviated (including you two). Once you find me close the website and come get me. Stay safe, -Love (Y/n)." The letter reads. On the bottom is evaporated therium, it reads out "#874 591 020." It must be her serial number, we run to her computer and do exactly what the letter said. Her location isn't showing up, they must have deactivated her location tracker. Nines takes control of the computer and finds the last know location button. Obviously I would have never found the button. Her last known location is just outside of Detroit, it's one of many safe houses listed at our department. We wouldn't have known that, we've never delt with a safe house situation. We walk to the station and ask some questions. Officer Miller and Officer Chen were out on patrol, Ben was in the break room and Gavin isn't at work. Those were all the people working last night, Gavin has been to the that safe house and is obsessed with (Y/n), help the imposters, get (Y/n). He's the only one with the motive and the only one here who knew (Y/n). I grab Nines and we head over to the safe house, please be okay (Y/n).


Little info on the chapter, the first 5 numbers of (Y/n)'s serial number are random but the last 4 are (Y/n)'s activation date. The code for the android finder is 1: the month, day, and year that the game came out. 2: the day (at least in my universe) that CyberLife was created. In the game all we know is that CyberLife was founded in 2018 so I made the day CyberLife was founded, the day the game was released.

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