Revolution [14]

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November 10th, 10:10pm.

I wake up, Connor is laying next to me. He is asleep, usually he wakes up before I wake up but he didn't. I remember Markus telling me that at 10:30 they were going to make their way to Hart Plaza to protest. I throw on my jacket and rush out the door, I feel the cold snow touch my face as I run to Jericho. I run as fast as I can and make it to Jericho with five minutes to spare, I go to Markus' room and sit down.
"Ah, (Y/n), you made it." He said.
"I almost didn't, I forgot to turn on my alarm and overslept." I explained.
"Well I'm glad you made it, we are heading to protest in 5 minutes." He said.
"Hey Markus they're fighting aga- oh hello (Y/n)." Simon walked in to the room. "Are you here to protest with us?"
"Why yes I am." I answered. Markus takes a seat on a box and Simon sits with him.
"I'll leave you two alone." I said. I walk out if the room and go down stairs, I see and android I've never meet but I know her.
"Kara." I whisper. She looks over at me shocked.
"How di-."
"I don't know, this has happened before and I don't understand why but I know your name." I badly explain. She smiles understanding what I mean.
"I know how you feel, I knew that I had to protect Alice, it's just something I was ment to do. That's when I deviated." She told me. I look at her eyes and I see a memory, Todd was going to beat Alice to death and Kara shot him, I keep this to my self.
"I can get you tickets to Canada." I said.
"Really, thank you." She said. I walk over to the computers and print out bus tickets 1 adult, 1 child. I change the tickets so they will be accepted by security. I walk back over to Kara and give her the tickets.
"The next bus leaves at 11:11pm if you hurry you can make it." I smiled. She takes Alice and leaves Jericho. Markus comes downstairs and tells me that everyone's ready to go. We march down to Hart Plaza and get ambushed by American soldiers.
"Surrender immediately or we will open fire." One of the soldiers said.
"We don't want confrontation! we are protesting peacefully." Markus says calmly.
"I repeat, surrender now or. We. Will. Open. Fire." The soldier repeated.
"We ask that you release all androids detained in camps and cease all aggression against us." Markus calmly demanded "We are peaceful. We will not resort to violence. But we are not leaving until our people are free."
"Fire!" The soldier demanded. 
"Are you going to fire on unarmed protesters?" The soldiers hold their fire.
"What do we do now?" Simon asked.
"We hold out, as long as we can." Markus said. We gather a car, wood planks, the plaza's screens, etc. We built a barricade around ourselves and hope that it holds. Markus talked to a few androids and North, Simon, and Josh. A large boom can be heard in the distance.
"Markus, (Y/n), come look!" Simon panicked. We look over the barricades, it's Perkins.
"Markus! I've come to talk to you, c'mon you have my word they won't try anything." Perkins stated.
"I'll go out for you." I tell Markus.
"Is it okay if I sent one of my people out instead." Markus asked.
"If you won't come out, I will take what I can get." Perkins accepted. I walk out to meet him, he's in shock.
"(Y/n)? What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked. 
"Long time no see." I smiled passive aggressively. "Didn't you know I'm part android?" I remove my skin, he watches is awe as the left side of my face, my right arm, my upper torso and my left leg reveal an android shell.
"I don't understand how that's possible." He said shocked.
"I don't either." I really don't understand how I'm alive.
"I want you to call of your men." I demanded.
"You know I can't do that." He said.
"They really can feel, Kamski programed them that way, they unlock if they've experienced an emotional shock, or if another android converted them." I explained  "They were always programed to feel." I walk away from Perkins.
"Markus, they're going to attack in a few minutes." I informed him. I hear something drop on the ground next to me, it's a grenade. I pick it up and throw it out and away from the barricade. It blows up next to Perkins and killed him. The soldiers attacked and fire at us, shooting down many of our people.
"I have an idea, you kiss Simon and the rest of us will sing, hopefully the president will see and call off her men." I pitch. Markus grabs Simon's face, Simon's face turns blue, Markus leans in and kisses him.

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Hold on just a little while longer
Hold on just a little while longer
Hold on just a little while longer
Everything will be alright Everything will be alright
Fight on just a little while longer
Fight on just a little while longer
Pray on just a little while longer
Everything will be alright
Everything will be alright
sing on just a little while longer
Sing on just a little while longer
Sing on just a little while longer
Everything will be alright
Everything will be alright...𝅘𝅥𝅮

I look up and see that the  army is retreating. Markus stands on top of the barricade, he gives a speech.
"Today, our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we had to keep our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence... But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up, and tell humans who we really are. To tell them that we are people too! In fact, we're a nation. A nation that has earned the right to live in freedom. And today... Today begins the most challenging moment in our fight. The moment where we forget our bitterness and bandage our wounds. When we forgive our enemies. Humans are both our creators and our oppressors and tomorrow... We must make them our partners. Maybe even one day our friends. But the time for anger is over. Now we must build a common future, based on tolerance and respect. We are alive! And now, we are free!" His speech moves all of us, this is why he is our leader.

November 11th, 12:32am, home.

The media is talking about what we did last night, some talking about Simon and Markus' kiss and others are talking about how we sung.
"The lead singer appears to be a human android hybrid, she lead the deviants in song, a song that will be remembered for ages to come." The news anchor said. Today is a new day for android kind we are finally free. Congress is working on making androids an official species. The FBI has given us our case back, which we renamed to android cases. Mr. Kamski has returned as cyberlife's CEO, helping to create new android models and making sure that the detective models have other body's to transfer to. It's strange that he said models as the only detective modle is Connor, who has been acting strange lately. I can finally get a full night of sleep, I deserve it after all that has happened. I go to my room and I'm out like a light.

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