Escaped and Wounded [19]

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November 13th, home, 8am

"Connor." I take a step back, I look at his jacket. RK800 #313 248 317 -61. Not my Connor. I look over his shoulder and see Nines, his jacket reads: RK900 #313 248 317-90. Nines is -87 not -90, same modle different objectives.
"No no no no." I take a few more steps back. 'Connor' grabs my arms and stops me from running away, tears drip down my face.
"Once I help you, you bring them back here and leave us the fuck alone." I demanded.
"I'll bring them back here, but your ours (Y/n), we love you."

Connor's' eyes are dull and life less, Amanda fucked up. Each Connor takes memories from the previous Connor, the last time Connor uploaded his memory he must have understood his feelings for me. Will every new Connor love me? I understand that Nines was programed to love me, mine doesn't after he became deviant. I know them they'll probably fight over me and then I could escape.
"Unless, are you the real Connor?" I fake a smile. I run into his arms, I look over at 'Nines' and he's jealous. 'Nines' pushes 'Connor' away from my arms, they then get into fight. I grab my gun from my night stand and shoot 'Nines', 'Connor' jumps back. I grab 'Connor's' arm and probe his memory, I learn that Connor and Nines are in an old CyberLife warehouse. I wipe some white paint on 'Connor' and 'Nines' face. I put them in the car and take them to the police station. I tell the only one of my 'partner's' there that these two kidnapped the RK brothers.
"I don't believe you." Gavin said.
"They have different numbers at the end of there serial number." I explained.
"They kidnapped me as well." I point to Connor's blood that is splattered on my face, Gavin looks at me concerned.
"Fine I'll keep an eye on them." Gavin groaned.
"The fake boys have white paint on them." I said. I leave the station and head to the abandoned warehouse.

I have officer Miller and officer Chen on the scene, I'm using their cars to hold the rest of these assholes. I turn on my heat vision mode, 2 by the entrance, the rest are guarding the RK brothers. I open the door to the warehouse and shoot the 3 people guarding the boys and then the 2 at the entrance. I run over to the boys and officer Miller and officer Chen arrest the captors. I untie Connor first and check on him, he's still alive but unconscious. I then  untie Nines, he lifts up Connor and takes him out of the building. Me and Nines place Connor in the car, Nines gets in the back with him. We head to the nearest newly established CyberLife hospital, they turned every CyberLife store into a hospital for androids. Since many androids were injured, CyberLife complied and turned every store into a hospital. Androids are still being produced in factories though, the factories are controlled by 'deviant' androids so they can free the newly built androids. We arrive at the hospital and they tell us that Connor will be awake again in 5 hours, they fixed some of his internal bleeding that shortened his time from 15 hours to 5. They allow us to take Connor home so he can rest and wake up to familiar faces. I lay him down on our bed and rest next to him.


My eyes open and I get out of bed, Connor is still asleep and should wake up in 2 hours and 30 minutes. I notice the blue blood on my hood and freak out, I take off my hoodie and shirt, which is also covered in blood. Nines comes running into my room, I throw my hoodie at him and he leaves my room. A "Sorry" Comes from the behind the door. I walk in front of my mirror and realize that the blood is not mine, I run over to Connor and check him. His stomach 'stitches' had popped, probably from me laying on him. They went in trough his torso as it was were the internal bleeding mainly was, there was some in his leg as well but his body fixed most of it. I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen, Nines was sitting on the couch when I walked into the living room.
"(Y-Y/n)!" Nines covers his face. He walks over to me, not making eye contact. He takes off his jacket and puts it around me, I forgot about my shirt. He zips up the jacket and follows me into the kitchen.
"So, where is your shirt at?" He questioned. "Well I noticed that there was blood on my hoodie, which I threw at you, there was also blood on my shirt so I thought I was bleeding." I explained. "I clearly wasn't and I went to check Connor and he was, so my shirt is on the floor." I answered with a story. I look around for the the metal thing and find it in the bathroom, I grab the rest of the therium and head back to my room. I'm glad Connor is asleep for this, I don't want him to be in pain. I press the hot skewer against his wound and it patches it up, I take a tube and put it down his throat. I filter the therium down the tube and then take the tube out. The android doctor gave me the tube to 'force feed' Connor if his 'stitches' did pop and he needed to take therium. I changed shirts and go to the living room to watch TV, giving Nines his jacket back in the process. He joins me on the couch and tells me about how one of the characters from this show kinda looks like Markus. I explain to him that the show ended a few years ago and that sometimes people look alike. I hope Connor wakes up soon.


I'm worried, it's been 7 hours and 28 minutes, Connor should be up by now. I leave my room and head back to the living room.
"Still not up?" Nines asked. 
"Unfortunately." I answered. I run up to Nines and trap him in a tight embrace, I sob quietly into his chest. He pats my head, which is weirdly calming, he escapes from the embrace and wipes away my tears. "Shh. (Y/n) it's okay, he's going to wake up soon, I promise." Nines trys to calm me down even more. We sit on the couch, I snuggle up to him and fall asleep.


I've checked Connor 37 times in the last 2 hours, I don't know when he'll wake up. There's a knock on the door and I answer it.
"(Y/n), where have you been, I was worried." Hank hugs me.
"Gavin said something about you being kidnapped by an imposter Connor and Nines and that Connor had been injured."
"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." I stated.
"Connor has been out for-"
"14 hours and 6 minutes or since 5:02am." Nines cuts me off.
"Well let me know when he wakes up." Hank heads back to his car. I head back to the couch and form a plan. I'll go to the precinct later and talk to imposter Connor, he knows what happened and I'll make him fix my Connor.

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