Where Is Jericho [10]

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"Your off the case." Fowler said. "The FBI is taking over the investigation."
"But we're so close to cracking this case!" Hank exploded.
"I'm sorry, you're being put back on homicide and the android will be taken back to cyberlife." Fowler continued.
"No, they can't take him." I started to cry.
"I'm sorry (Y/n)." Fowler showed no remorse, he wasn't really sorry and it showed. I could feel tears run down my cheeks.
"Sigh, I suppose I could make an exception, I have gotten used to Connor being here." Fowler said.
"Thank you!." I hugged him.
"Now get back to work." Fowler demanded.
"We were so close to cracking the case." Hank sighed.
"If only I knew where Jericho was." Connor said, trying to think of a way to keep us on the case. "Wait, I have an idea, we'll go into the evidence locker and see if we can find something that'll help us locate Jericho."
"Then what are we waiting for." I went with Connor to the evidence room while Hank postponed the handover of our evidence. We went into the room and I swiped my badge, the door opened and I went up to the panel and entered my password. The wall switched around revealed two android.
"The one on the right is Carlos Ortiz's android, the day before you arrived I tracked him down to the attic of his owner's house." Connor informs me. "The one on the left is Daniel, he is the android that held his owner's daughter hostage, which was my first successful mission." Daniel is missing a biocomponent and so is Carlos' android. Carlos' android has Daniel's missing biocomponent, I take it out of the android and put in into Daniel, I then proceed to reactivate Daniel.
"Where am I, who are you?" He says
"My name is (Y/n) I need your help finding Jericho." I tell him. "I already know where it is, but he doesn't know that I know. " I tell him telepathically. "Of course." He smiled at me, I grabbed his arm and he 'showed' me where Jericho was.
"Thank you." I tell him. Connor shuts him off again, we turn to face the door and Gavin is standing there.

Gavin approaches me, Connor steps in front of me. Gavin throws him out of the way and pins me against the wall. "(Y/n)..." He caresses my cheek, I turn away from him.
He took my chin and forced me to face him, he placed his hand back on my cheek and leaned in for a kiss, he reeked of booze. Connor shoved him out of the way, Gavin took out his gun and fired at Connor, it just grazed his shoulder. The shot had knocked him to the ground and I rushed over to him, Gavin got closer to me. I pulled out my gun and he manages to grab it from me.
"You have no idea how much I missed you doll." He smirked and threw the gun across the room, he must have had a lot to drink or something really strong. I knew he missed me, but this is just too much. He proceeded to lick my neck, making the side of my neck covered in his saliva. He then bit down on my neck and a blush went across my face, I squirmed trying to get away from him. He bit down harder and I let out a yelp. Connor reached for the gun and picked it up.
"This would be hard to watch if you lo-." Connor cut him of by shooting him in the shoulder. He let me go and I ran into Connor's arms, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me in a tight embrace, I felt safe in Connor's arms. I let go of him and grabbed his hand, we walked out of the room and head for Jericho.

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