Instability [7]

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November 8th, 3:45, home

~* Connor's pov *~

(Y/n) is still asleep, she should wake in a few minutes. I go make her lunch, which is done just in time for (Y/n) to wake up. I set her plate down but instead of coming out I hear her scream. I open her door to see tears roll down her cheeks.
"(Y/n) what's wrong." I asked. 
"I had a dream that you had died." She said. Interesting, She must have been so traumatized that she thought it was a dream.
"It's okay (Y/n) I'm right here." I comforted (Y/n).
"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." (Y/n) whispered not meaning for me to hear. (Y/n): error �. I lift (Y/n) out of bed and take her to her plate. She eats and cuddled up to me. She turns on the tv and watches her favorite show, it's quite interesting. I get a report that Stratford Tower was hacked by deviants. We obtain Hank and make our way to the tower.

Stratford Tower 4:06pm

"You're starting to piss me off with that coin Connor." Hank said as he takes my coin. (Y/n) then pulled out her own coin and flips it. Hank is the first to walk out of the elevator, (Y/n) giggles. Officer Miller, briefs us on what happened, mentioning that we should investigate the roof. I look around and play the deviant's speech. I analyze him, he has hetorocromia (the scientific term for having two different eye colors), I then check his model, he is an RK series android. I then look at the cameras, the deviants were at the door, there is no sign of forced entry. One of the workers let them in, I turn the chair and notice that an android was watching the cameras. I go interrogate the androids that were working today, (Y/n) tags along.

~* (Y/n)'s pov *~

Connor interrogates the androids, telling them they they will be destroyed, he then goes to probe the first ones memory. The android attacks, he takes out Connor's therium pump, stabs my shoulder, then stabs Connor's hand. I grab the knife from Connor's hand, causing him to collapse, and I throw it back at the android, it hits him in the chest. I prop Connor up on a chair, and I get his therium pump, I put the pump back in and help him stand up. Connor places his non injured hand over my shoulder, I have him by the torso and I help him out of the room.
"Hank take Connor back home." I requested.
"Okay?" He responded. I go up to the roof and lock it. I know that there is an android up here, I don't know why but I do. There is no one up on the roof, I look around and notice that there is therium leading to a locker. I open it and see a blonde android with a gun, he points it at me.
"Simon no." I said. What? How did I know his name? I helped the android out of the locker, he put the gun down.
"How did you know my name." He asked.
"I don't know, I just do." I tried to explain. I lift him out of the locker and assess his injuries. His leg had been damaged. I pick up the remaining parachute and manage to take Simon all the way back to my house. I still had a little bit of therium left, I tell Simon to wait in my bathroom. Lights off don't make a sound. I run to the cyberlife warehouse and see if they had a leg for Simon, they did and I took it. I get back to my house before Hank and give Simon the leg, which he switchs out his old leg with. He stands up and I help him out of the house. I quickly make my way to deliver Simon. I walk in to Jericho and I get funny looks as I enter.
"Humans are not allowed here." North said. I move past her and go to Markus' room. I give a light knock before entering.
"Who are you." He said as I close the door. I wake up Simon and hand him over to Markus.
"Thank you for helping me (Y/n)." Simon said.
"So your name is (Y/n), you have my thanks for helping Simon." Markus smiled. "But how did you get here, you are human after all." I proceed to take off my skin and reveal my android parts once again.
"Fascinating, your part human, part machine." Simon and Markus said.
"I would love to stay and chat, but my roommate needs me." I said as I leave the room, forgetting to put my skin on.

By the time I get back home, I remember my skin and walk into the house. Connor is sitting on the couch, still in his bloody shirt.
"(Y/n) you were out for a while." Connor said.
"I hope everything went okay at the crime scene when we left." I proceed to take Connor's jacket, tie, and shirt off.
"Y-(Y/n)!" Connor appeared to have a blue hue across his face. I put his clothes in the wash. I take a look at his hand, it's still has a hole in it. I get the metal thing and again, patch up his wound. I take a seat by Connor and rest my head on his shoulder. He informed me that we have a meeting with the founder of cyberlife tomorrow.

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