The Meeting [8]

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November 9th, 11:17am, outside Detroit, Kamski's house.

We arrive just in time for our meeting with Elijah Kamski. I ring the door bell and a Chloe comes up to greet us.
"Hi we are here to see Elijah Kamski." I said
"I'm (Y/n) (L/n), this is Lt. Hank Anderson, and Connor."
"Please, come inside." She lead us into a room and goes to tell Mr. Kamski that we are here. Connor looks around the waiting room, he stares at a photo of Amanda.
"Do you recognize her?" I asked.
"I do, an AI version of her is programmed in new prototype models." He explained.
"When she was alive, she mentored Mr. Kamski." I continued. The chloe came back into the waiting room.
"Elijah will see you now." We followed the chloe back to a pool area, which Kamski is currently getting out of, Chloe helps Mr. Kamski put on his robe.
"I'm Lt. Anderson with the police department, we're investigating deviants. Could you tell us anything you know about deviants?" Hank lead.
"Interesting aren't they, a being with Infinite knowledge and now it has free will." Kamski said. He said. He went on about how superior androids are to humans.
"We want to know how androids are becoming deviants" Connor stated. "Is there anything that you could tell us?"
"All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics, is the will to be free a contagious disease?" Kamski said, trying to sound enlightened.
"I didn't come here to talk philosophy, the deviants may be planning a revolution." Hank said, tired of Kamski's enlightened bullshit.
"Either tell us something useful or we'll be on our way."
"What about you Connor. Whose side are you on?" Kamski asked. I give Hank the
'I have a bad feeling about this' look.
"I'm on the humans side of course." Connor stated.
"Well that's what you're programmed to say, but what do you really want?" Kamski asked.
"What I want is not important." Connor looked to the side.
"I'm sure you know about the Turing Test, a simple question of algorithms and computing capacity." He said. He motions for the chloe to come over to him. "What interests me is if androids can feel empathy, I call it 'The Kamski Test'."
"The Chloe, the first model ever made. Young and beautiful forever, a flower that will never wither, but what is it really? A bunch of plastic, or a living being with a soul." He motioned Chloe to get on her knees, he grabbed a gun from a drawer behind him. "Now Connor I want you to answer that question." He gave Connor the gun. "Destroy this machine and I'll tell you everything I know or spare it if you feel it's alive, but you will leave here without learning anything from me." Connor's LED turned yellow.

"Okay we're done here, c'mon Connor." Hank Interrupted.
"What's more important to you Connor, your investigation or the life of this android. Decide who you are, an obedient machine, or a living being endowed with free will."
"That's enough, Connor we're leaving."
"pull the trigger."
"Connor, don't."
"And I'll tell you what you want to know."

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