The Incident [1]

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November 6th, 2036, Detroit, MI

(Y/n) was hanging out with her friends Lieutenant Hank Anderson, and Detective Gavin Reed, when Hank got a call.

"So that's when I punched that fucker in the face." Hank said. Hank Anderson was a middle aged man, he had gray hair, blue eyes, 51, he lost his son last year.
"I probably would have kick him to." Gavin added. Gavin Reed was a young man, 34, brown hair, gray eyes, and a bit of a prick. After Gavin finished his sentence, Hank's phone rang.
"Hank, where the fuck are you." Fowler shouted. Jeffrey Fowler is the captain at the Detroit Police Department and our boss.
"I'm out at lunch with (Y/n) and Gavin." Hank shouted back.
"Well we got a tip on one of your homicide casses so get your assess down here." Fowler hung up.
"C'mon let's go, Fowler needs us." We drove back to the police station in Hank's car.

"Understand where you have to go." Fowler said.
"Yeah, yeah." Hank replied.
"Reed since you aren't doing anything go help them." Fowler demanded.
"Yes sir." Gavin said. We drove over to the location, it was a run down house in North Corktown.
"You sure this is the place?" Gavin questioned.
"Yeah, I'm fucking positive." Hank answered.
"Stay behind me." Hank proceeded to break down the wooden door. Out of no where a man threw a knife at Gavin.
"Phck my nose." Gavin yelled. The man then pulled out a gun and shot two rounds.
"(Y/n)!" Hank and Gavin shouted. I didn't have time to react, one bullet hit my eye and the other hit my chest. As I fell to the ground, I heard a 3rd gun shot. My pain slowly started to ease and drift away.

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