New Batch of Cases [16]

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November 12th, 9:01am, home.

My eyes flash open, my head is pounding. I roll out of the bed and hit the ground, making a loud thud. I groan in pain, Nines opens my door and runs over to me, Connor is a few seconds behind him.
"Are you alright (Y/n)?" Nines  asked. "Do I look alright to you." I joked.
"You look a lot more than alright." Connor winked. Smooth. Nines helps me up and walks me out of the room, he sets me down in a chair by the dining table. Nines sits next to me and checks on me every once and a while. Connor makes me breakfast like usual, today's he makes eggs and bacon (classic). Nines eyes my bacon and I hiss at him, he slowly reached his hand across the table and steals one of my pieces of bacon. I look at him, offended. He places the bacon in his mouth and looks me in the eyes as he eats my bacon. I cross my arms and pout, Connor can be heard chuckling from the kitchen.
"Connor, Nines ate my bacon." I complained.
"Well maybe you should have been paying attention to your bacon." Connor teased. I look back and my second piece of bacon is gone.
"Nines." I complain. He gives me a smile, I punch him in the shoulder. Captain Fowler calls us in to work, Connor hands me some bacon for the road.

We walk into Fowler's office and see that Gavin's in there as well as Hank. I see Gavin's shoulder is bandaged, he got his bullet wound taken care of.
"I've added Gavin and the RK900 to all classes involving androids." Fowler said.
"My name is Nines." Nines said.
"Anyways you will switch android partners every case, now get to work." I've been paired up with Nines and unfortunately Gavin. We head to our next case, I cling on to Nines. We arrive at the scene and already we have to deal with a dead body. There is an android that has been damaged in the corner, a shattered vase on the floor, and blood all over the place. The neighbors called the cops to report domestic violence, not knowing that his wife had left him a few days earlier. I walk over to the victim, his name is Adam Lee. His throat had been slit, the wound has shards of the vase in it. I go over and investigate the android. She has burn marks and cuts on her face, also a few whip marks on her back.
"When he heard that androids were free, he lashed out at me." The android started.
"He had hit me before and I just couldn't this time, I was free and he didn't accept that. I knocked over the vase and he stabed me leaving the shard in me, I grabbed I and slit his throat." She showed me where the shard had entered, right above her therium pump. It wasn't to deep and she would be fine. 
"The android killed him in self defense." I stated.
"How can you be sure?" Gavin asked.
"She has wounds that would be impossible to self inflict." I see the shard of glass, it's covered in blue and red blood.
"Her story matches up with the evidence." I head for the entrance, some one grabs my arm.
"(Y/n)." It's Gavin. I pull my arm away from him. All of the crime scene investigators leave, some cops take the android into there car. He pins me against the wall, I struggle but he's stronger than me.
"Please, just listen..."
I let out a sound of fear and he drops me. I look up and it's Nines, he has Gavin by the throat.
"Don't touch her." Nines says. I've never seen Nines be so serious or Gavin be scared.
"Nines." I said.
"Right." He lets Gavin down. "Thanks (Y/n)." Gavin rubbed his neck. 

We get back to the station a Fowler sends us to another case. An android has been murdered, a DPD officer heard screaming coming from the house. We don't know if he saw the victim being attacked, he saw the grotesque scene and won't talk to us. He appears to be in shock and won't give us any information.

I take a look at the victim, he had been shot several times in the torso. His previous owner had died yesterday of an overdose while at a friend's house. The android had been alone and there was no sign of forced entry, he opened the door and the killer shot him. Unfortunately we don't have enough evidence to come to a conclusion. Me, Nines and Gavin head back to the office. I go talk to Connor about the last case, he appears to be in the break room.
"Hey Connor, what are you doing in here?" I asked.
"Hank wanted me to grab his coke from the fridge." He answered.
"We had a weird case, this android was shot, no sign of forced." I added.
"That sounds similar to our case, was the android shot in the torso?"  Connor questioned. 
"Yeah he was, do you think we have a serial killer on our hands?" I asked.
"Maybe." Connor found Hank's 'coke' it was lighter in color than coke, I believe it was alcohol in a coke bottle. I walk with Connor back to my desk, he hands Hank his 'coke' and we sit down (Connor sitting on the desk). I look through our cases on the computer, there's only a few cases and the officers on the scene have it handled. We call it early and go on lunch break, I grab Connor and Nines and we head to lunch.

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