The Unlikely Connection [4]

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November 7th, 12:37pm, home

I wake up to the smell of food.
"C-Connor." I rub my eyes. I hear a plate being set down at the table. I open the my bed room door and run into what feels like a wall.
"Kyah." I feel an arm reach out to catch me.
"Are you alright (Y/n)?" Connor has his arms wrapped around me to stop me from falling. My face turns red, why does he have to be so charming, I think to myself.
"Y-yeah I'm fine Connor." He lets go of me.
"I made you lunch." Connor said. "I may not be made for cooking, but it's important that you get proper nutrients."
"Thank you." I take I seat at the table.
"Come join me Connor." He proceeded to take a seat across from me.
"(Y/n) don't you have to go to work?" He asked.
"I don't usually head to work unless we get a lead." I answered. I finish my plate and set it in the sink.
"(Y/n) are you sure your okay."
"Yes Connor, I'm fine." He takes his fingers and swipe two of them across my neck, I shudder as he does so.
"Then what is this." He showed me some therium he got from my neck. I'm shocked, I ran into the bathroom to see.
"(Y/n) please come out." Conner said. "Don't make me come in there."
I don't respond.
"I'm giving you to the count of 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." Connor's footsteps back away from the door, then get closer all of a sudden. The bathroom door swings open. He immediately runs twords me.
"(Y/n) you're injured." He placed his hand on to my neck. It's cold. I blush, my neck is very sensitive to the cold. Connor seemed to notice and pulled his hand away. Without thinking  I grab his hand and put it back on to my neck.
"Ah, sorry." I said as I let go of his hand.
"No it's my fault, I should have known my hands would be cold to the touch." He said. We sit in silence for a few minutes before I go back to the living room.

I'm on the couch watching random YouTube videos, when there is a knock on the door. I get up to answer it, Connor is behind me. I open the front door and...
"Ahh." A cut goes across my face. Connor froze, the person at the door lines up the knife directly at my therium pump, I managed to take a picture of the person as he lunged forward. I close my eyes in anticipation of being stabbed. I hear a sharp inhale I look up and...

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