Its Your Choice [29]

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Connor's pov


"I-I love (Y/n)." Nines blurts out. I'm shocked, I had no idea he had feelings for (Y/n). I had heard what Amanda said about programming Nines to love her but he broke free of his programming. If he wants her I will put my feelings aside and let him have her, I will chose his happiness over mine. "I couldn't get rid of that part of my programming." He said, reading my mind. I couldn't think of anything else to say.
"The way she smiles and depends on me to comfort her, I know she has no feelings for me and that I'm so stupid for feeling this way. I couldn't tear her away from you and hurt her more than I already have, I couldn't do...." Nines started trailing off.
"We'll have to ask  (Y/n) who she wants." I interrupt his rant. "It's only fair if she choses." "Allright, let's go asks her." Nines said. We walk out of the room and head back out towards the living room.
"(Y/n) could you come with us." I asked her. "Sure." She follows us to her room. We don't want to disturb anyone in the living room.
"(Y/n), if you could date one of us which one would it be." I asked her.
"But I'm already dating you and I'm happy." (Y/n) says. "If we weren't who would you choose." I continued. (Y/n) has a confused look on her face, she thinks about the question for a few minutes before she realizes what's going on. The silence is killing us, she finally answered. "I'd choose...."


I'm letting you choose where your story goes, do you stick with Connor or will you deviate and choose Nines. This is essentially the end of the book and your choice will decide which book follows the story next.

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