Don't Shoot [8a]

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I lightly touch Connor's hand, his LED returned to blue. he handed Kamski the gun.
"Interesting, humanity's last hope, is its self a deviant." Kamski said shocked.
"I- I'm not a deviant." Connor denied it.
"You preferred to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission. You saw a living being in this android, you showed empathy.
"A war Is coming, you must choose a side, will you betray your people or stand up against your creators. What could be worse than choosing between two evils."
"Let's get out of here." Hank leads us towards the door, I latch on to Connor's arm as we leave the room. I could hear Kamski saying something as we left.
"By the way, I always leave emergency exits in my programing, you'll never know." We make it back to the room we were in before and then back outside.
"Why didn't you shoot?" Hank asked.
"Hank!" I warned him.
"I just saw that girls eyes and just I couldn't." Connor answers.
"Your always saying you'll do anything to accomplish your mission, we could have learned something back there." Hank continued.
"Hank!" I warned him again.
"I know what I should have done, but I told you I couldn't." Connor stated.
"But maybe you did the right thing." Hank followed up. We hop into the car and head home.

Kamski's notes:

Interesting I believe Connor will deviate for her. She already makes him behave like deviant anyway. He truly cares for her.

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