My Guardian Angel [5]

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"Connor?" I look up to see Connor standing in front of me, the knife just barely missed his therium pump. He falls back, I catch him and slam the door shut, it automatically locks. I sit down by Connor and he lays on me, I lift up his shirt and look at his wound. It's not good, I see a few bits and wires but it's not deadly. I set Connor down and head into the kitchen. I find something metalic and turn on the stove to heat up the metal. I turn off the stove and run back over to Connor. I move his hand from the wound, and I patch it up with the heated metal, I then move him to the couch. I check the photo that I took, it's blurry and I can't Identify the person. I delete the photo.
"Connor, I'm going to get some therium." I leave the house, making sure the door locks behind me.

There is a CyberLife warehouse a few blocks away from my house. I knock out one of the guards and put on their outfit. I walk over to a white box that has the CyberLife logo on it, it's contents had been emptied. I check a few more boxes, all of them empty. I finally find a box that has therium in it and I return home.

Connor is still on the couch when I arrive, I open my backpack and find the large sealed bag that contains the blue liquid, I open it and put some into a glass cup. I hand Connor the cup and he drinks it.
"How do you feel?" I asked him.
"I feel a lot better than I did before." He responded, setting down the glass cup. I sit down by him. I feel tired, today's events must have really drained me. I rest my head on Connor's shoulder. I find myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

~* Connor's pov *~

(Y/n) rests her head on my shoulder. I look over at her and find that she had fallen asleep. She looks very peaceful, I don't want to disturb her. I lift her up and gently move her to her bed.

~* (Y/n)'s pov *~


I wake up to Connor gently shaking me.
"(Y/n) there's been a body found at the eden club. Let's go get Hank and then head out." I straighten my shirt and get into the car. The drive over to Hank's house is quite.


I step out of the car and knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I check the door, but it's locked. Connor found a way inside. He breaks the window and tumbles into the house. He gets up and helps me into the house. I hear a grow and look over to see Sumo.
"Hey boy, long time no see." I walk over to him and pet him.
"(Y/n)!" Connor yelled. I look over at Connor and to my horror, see Hank laying on the floor, I let out a blood curtailing scream. I run over to him, he is still breathing. I slap him slightly. No response. I slap him harder. He grumbles, me and Connor grab him and take him to the bathroom. We set him down in the shower and turn the cold water on.

"AGHH,TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF." Hank shouted. Connor turns off the water.
"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Hank continued.
"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago". Connor informed him.
"We didn't see you at Jimmy's, so we came here." I added.
"I Must be the only cop in the world who gets assaulted in his own house by his own fuckin' android." Hank said.
"You convince him to come with and I'll get him some clothes." I whispered to Connor. I head out of the room and go get Hank some clothes. I rummage around in his closet for something that looks good. I come back with 'hippy' shirt and jeans. I set the clothes down by the sink.
"Just give me five minutes." Hanks said. Me and Connor leave the room and investigate the kitchen. Connor picks up a photo of Cole.
"That's Hanks son, he lost him 3 years ago." I informed him. He puts the photo back down and looks towards the gun. "A .357 magnum revolver." I stop. There's only one bullet left. "Do you know what he was using the gun for?" Connor questioned. Russian roulette. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it, the next shot would have killed him, tears rolled down my cheek and I fell to my knees.
"(Y/n)!" Connor dropped the gun and walked towards me. He wiped away my tears, and held me tight.
"He was playing russian roulette, the next shot would have killed him." I told Connor. My tears won't stop.
"Its going to be okay (Y/n)." Connor tries to comfort me. Hank comes out of the bathroom, to see me on the floor.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. I wrap my arms around him and sob into his chest. He looks over and noticed that his gun is in the room.
"(Y/n) don't cry." He said. "Everything is going to be okay." My tears stop, I realize that it's getting late.
"We better get to the crime scene."

At the eden club, there are many police officers surrounding the building, we walk in to the club. There are android stripers, I have to resist the urge to grimace. We walk further in to the club and see the crime scene.
"Hey Hank." Ben said.
"Hey Ben, how's it going." Hank replied.
"Its that room, oh and Gavin's in there too." Ben continued.
"Oh great, a dead body and an asshole, just what I needed." Hank mumbled. I wonder what that was about. We walk into the room and see Gavin assessing the scene.
"Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet. (Y/n) what are you doing with them?" Gavin said
"I was assigned to help them." I informed him.
"Really, you're working with an alcoholic and a tin can"
"Yes I am. What's gotten into you?" Gavin remains silent, he then walks over to Connor and hits him right in the therium pump, he falls over. Gavin kicks him, again and again. I run in front of Connor.
"Stop it." I demand. He picks me up and sits me down away from the scene. I get up and rush towards him, he tried to push me off but I bite down on his neck. His face warms up and he stops kicking Connor.
"If you wanted to get freaky, you could have just called." He smirked. I slap him and he leaves the room.

~* Connor's pov *~

(Y/n) lifts me up, she could have been hurt.
"You should have left me, he was right, I'm just a stupid tin can." I said.
"No your not, you're a bright and beautiful being. Even if you think you're a tin can, you're my smart and stunning tin can." (Y/n) told me. Software instability 🔼 (Y/n): 🔼. She helps me out of the room.
"You can finish the case." She told Gavin who is standing outside the door. We hop back into the car and take Hank home.
"Sorry for getting you dressed up for nothing." She said.
"Its fine." Hank said. He gets out of the car and heads inside. Me and (Y/n) head home.

As soon as we walk into the door I make dinner for (Y/n), Pasta with chicken. I set her plate down and sit at the table.
"(Y/n), dinner." I yelled. She comes up to the table and eats her food. Even though I can't eat, it's nice that I can help someone eat healthy. We move over to the couch to watch (Y/n)'s favorite show. After a few episodes she, again, has fallen asleep with her head rested on my shoulder. I pick her up and put her in bed, I close the bedroom door and 'sleep' with my back against her bed.

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