The March [9a]

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November 9th, 12:10pm

[Don't shoot, continued]

Connor was still upset after what happened, and I would be too, Hank dropped us off at our house and then I went out shopping. I found a parking space near the mall, and looked at a few stores. I then noticed Markus coming down the stairs, I walked over towards him and he recognized me.

"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" He asked.
"What? A girl can't go out shopping?" I teased.
"We're going to gather a group of androids and march through the street." He said.
"What are you doing! Don't tell her that!" North freaked out, she doesn't seem to like me too much.
"North." He sighed.
"I'm in." I smiled. I walked with them, turning an android in the mall deviant with a single touch. We then moved on to the street, where Markus had delivery androids block the street with their truck. Markus and Simon walked in front of us, he'd been holding Simon's hand the entire time. We had hundreds of androids join us, but up ahead there was a police officer.

"Disperse, Disperse immediately!" He demanded. We raised our hands to show him that we are unarmed and he let us continue.
"There are a lot of androids down here." He reported. We continued walking up the street, someone had called in the riot unit.

"We came here to protest peacefully and tell humans that we are living beings." Markus calmly stated.
"This is an illegal gathering disperse immediately or we will open fire." The Riot Unit Capitan said.
"We're not looking for confrontation." Markus added.
"I repeat, this is an illegal gathering, disperse immediately or we will open fire." The Unit Captain repeted.

"Markus we have to attack, there's more of us we can take them." North said.
"If we attack, we'll start a war. We have to show them that we are not violent. We should just stand here, even if it means dying here." Josh said.
"And dying here won't solve anything, Markus, we need to go now before it's too late." Simon said.
"I agree with Josh, we show them that we don't want to fight them and that freedom is worth dying for." I chip in. Josh and Simon smile at me, they agree.

Markus choose not to attack, the unit fired a warning round.
"Disperse immediately, this is your last chance." The Unit Capitan said, giving his last warning. Markus walks out to them, they open fire, shooting Markus twice. An android I've never met rushed the unit allowing us to take Markus back to Jericho. I help patch up Markus once we get back.

"Do you need any more help?" I asked
"We didn't need your help." North yelled.
"North, again with this?" Markus asked calmly.
"She's still a human, crimes against humans are down at the cost of crimes against androids." North started ranting
"I understand how-." Markus tried to interject.
"And we're used as little fuck toys, to protect humans from being trafficked." North continued. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.
"North!" Markus shouted. I flinched as he raised his voice, I've never seen Markus get violent.
"How can you value their lives over ours?" North doesn't know when to stop.

I didn't want to stay around to see what happened next. I checked my phone as I left Jericho. Connor texted me.
"Fowler wants to see us." His message read. I went to retrieve my car from the mall and picked up Connor. I wonder what Fowler could need.

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