Welcome Back [26]

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November 17th, home, 9:34am

I rub my eyes and get out of bed, I head for the kitchen and start making coffee. The coffee only takes a few minutes to brew, I grab a glass and fill it with coffee.
"Morning (Y/n)." Connor scares me. I drop my glass and back away from him, I run into my room and lock the door.
"(Y/n), let me in." Connor said. I ignore him and grab a pair of clothes, I start changing into them. Connor manages to open the door some how, he closes it behind him. I cover up my chest, which is partially exposed. Connor doesn't seem phased by me being naked, however, it feels weird to have a new Connor watch me change. I head into the bathroom to finish changing, Connor doesn't follow me this time. I exit my room and remake my coffee, it's barely warm.
"(Y/n) can I talk to you?" Nines asked. "In private." He glares at Connor.
"Sure, what's on your mind?" I asked.
"This Connor is a -60 Connor." He whispers to me.
"Well, I'm going to work." I said, trying not to act suspicious. I head out the door and Connor follows, I walk faster to work. When I arrive no one is there, Fowler isn't in his office, officer Chan and Miller are on patrol, Hank isn't here, none of the androids are here, it's quite. Connor trips me and I fall flat on my face, he drags me by the leg out of the station. Think (Y/n) think, is there anyone here. Gavin, he's always here! "Gavin!" I shout. I here footsteps quickly run over to me, I feel Connor release my ankle. I get up and run into Gavin's arms. He stands in front of me, protecting me from -60.
"Switching sides now are we?" -60 questioned.
"I did some real shitty things with you, but I won't let you hurt her." Gavin stands his ground.
"Brave but foolish." -60 goes for Gavin's throat. I move behind -60 and I hit him in the back, he drops Gavin and focuses on me.
"I have your Connor." He blurted. "Impossible, he's dead." I said.
"It's true, he uploaded his memories and came back, if you kill me you won't know where he is." He teased.
"Is he in your shitty apartment?" I asked. "N-no." He's clearly lying. I grab him and shut him down, I'm bringing him to CyberLife tower. I pick him up and put him in the trunk of the car.
"Thanks for saving me." I thanked Gavin.
"I'm just glad that I was here and that I heard you." He smiled at me. I hop into my car and head to the android district, I remember the location of his apartment.

I knock on the 1st apartment door, there is a voice coming from the door. I open the door and see that Connor is chained to a chair. I run over to him and unchain him. As soon as he stood up he hugged me. I lead him out of the apartment, we hop into our car and I take Connor home.

After dropping off Connor I head to CyberLife tower, bringing -60 with me. They let me inside the tower, I tell them that I'd like to see Elijah Kamski. They tell me I have to wait, I take a seat and after an hour Elijah is ready to see me.
"Ah Ms. (Y/n), what can I do for you?" He greets me.
"I want you to stop the -60 RK800 program." I state. "Interesting, is it still up? Is he one of them?" He asked.
"Yes, he almost killed me and Connor." I stated.
  "You don't see the -60 models as Connor's?" He questioned.
"He's kinda obsessive and he doesn't act like Connor." I answered.
"I see, I'll fix them and hopefully he won't cause you too much trouble." He said.
"You can leave him in here and if you see my detective brother tell him I say hi." He said. I leave the room and head for home. Connor is in the kitchen making lunch, looks like chicken pasta.
"(Y/n)! Your just in time I made you lunch." Connor said. He sets my plate at the table, I thank him and start eating. After I finish eating I head back to work.

Nines and Connor go on an assignment without me, Hank still hasn't shown up and it's just me and Gavin.
"Hey (Y/n)." Gavin calls. "Look, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was upset that you loved him and took it out on both of you, I understand if you don't forgi-."
"I forgive you." I interrupted him.
"But I hurt you and Connor, I even kidnapped you."
"It's fine really." I give him a smile.
  "C'mon, let's go solve a case." I drag Gavin into the car and we head a crime scene. An android doctor killed a patient and is now missing. The victim's given name was Felicity, her throat was slit with a scalpel. "Maybe it's still here." Gavin said. I take a look around the building and found no trace of the doctor. Unfortunately this case will have to remain unsolved. "Your just going to let the murderer get away." A waiting room android said. "Just because an android murdered another android your giving up. Your just like the rest of them, no remorse for us androids!" They shouted at me. They really struck a nerve, I remove my skin. "I don't care who murdered the android, they didn't deserve to die. I just don't have enough evidence to find the murderer, don't assume it's because I hate our kind." I lash out at them. "It's her." "It's the hybrid." "̸͇̂S̶̠̆h̸̭͂e̶̟̊'̶͚͋s̸̯͐ ̷͓̓ĉ̸͔o̸͈̕m̴͓̀e̷̤͗ ̴͖͊t̴̠̀o̸͙̓ ̸̕͜s̸͖̈́ả̴̮v̴̫͌e̶̝͒ ̸̼̃u̴͚̕s̷̹͌.̶̟͐" people start crowding around us, I see a narrow exit a slip out through it. We hop into the car and head back to the precinct. We make our way back to our desks, Connor and Nines are back and see that I'm hanging out with Gavin. Nines comes running over, I tell Gavin to hide behind his desk. I stand in front of Gavin shielding him from Nines. "Why are you protecting him?" Nines questions. "He's changed." I explained. "He will never change, he'll just keep hurting you." Nines shoves me out of the way. I smack the floor hard, cutting my face on a broken tile. I can feel my body go limp.

Connor's pov

Nines shoves (Y/n) aside, she falls on to the floor with great force. Her body goes limp, she struggles to keep her eyes open. I run over to her and pick her up, she's still breathing. Her muscle system must have gone offline. "Nines that's enough." I warn him. He continues to hit Gavin to the point were he's bleeding. "I said that's enough Nines!" He looks over at me and sees  (Y/n). His eyes widen in shock, he hurt (Y/n) even though he promised he wouldn't. He runs out of the building and I don't see were he goes. "(Y/n), blink twice if you can hear me." I tell her. She blinks twice. "I'm going to have to reset you, is that alright. Once means no, twice means yes." She blinks no. I hug (Y/n) tightly and place my finger on her right temple, I reset her and set her down. She pops back up a minute later and she looks me in the eyes. "Con."
"(Y/n)?" She grabbed hold of my hands and smiled at me. She takes me back home and heads to her room for a nap.

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