A Day Off [15]

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November 11th, 10:47am, home

I wake up to my stomach yelling at me, I forgot to eat dinner last night. I head to the kitchen, usually Connor would have made me breakfast. I find something to eat in the fridge and take a seat on the couch, I drop some food in me and realize my shirt is covered in blood. I finish eating and change into something clean, I gather my clothes and run in to Connor.
"Hello (Y/n)."
"Ah, Connor you scared me." I take a deep breath.
"I'm going to work." He said
"Okay, I have the day off though." I said.
"I don't want to leave Hank alone though." He explained. I give him a goodbye kiss and he heads to work. I open the door to the basement, I try to turn the light on but the switch Isn't working. I head over to the washing machine and put my clothes in it. I hear a thud behind me, I put in the soap and turn on the washer. "(Y/n)." I hear a quite voice come from the back wall. I rush over to the voice, it's Connor. I lift him up and analyze his damages, he's missing some skin but other than that he has no damages. He's tied up with a carbon fiber rope, which is what rubbed of his skin. I run upstairs and return with a knife, I cut trough the rope. As soon as Connor is free, he hugs me.
"How long were you down here?" I asked.
"23 hours and 37 minutes." He answered. He's been down here for a day, why didn't I notice sooner? Connor has brown eyes and androids can't change their eye color. I take Connor's hand and lead him out of the basement. I take him to my room and grab him a shirt from our closet, I hand him the shirt and his jacket which was on the floor. Connor puts them on and thanks me for buying him more shirts. I hear the front door open, I think of an idea.
"Stay here, if I say the word 'spaghetti', come out of the room and attack him." I informed him. He nodded in agreement, trying to keep quite. I walk out of the room and confront 'Connor', I stand in front of him but don't make eye contact.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" 'Connor' asked.
"I know your not Connor." I said firmly. He looks away from me.
"My name is Connor, I am an RK900 model, I'm Connor's replacement." He stated. "Amanda even programed me to love you." He smirked and pined me against the wall, I flinch at the sound of his hands slamming into the wall. "Stronger, faster, more resilient." He continues.
"Spaghetti!" I shout hoping that Connor hears me. My bedroom door opens and Connor walks out with a carbon fiber rope. He puts it around the RK900's throat, the RK900 throws his head back and knocks Connor back. I try to tackle the taller RK modle but he sees me coming and throws me on to the couch. He doesn't want to hurt me, I could us this to my advantage. Connor has backed up to a corner, I run over to him.

"Please don't hurt him." I begged.
"Why can't you except that's he's outdated." He throws a hand at me, I grab his arm and connect to him.
"Please don't do this, I'm begging you." I said. He looked around, he pulled his arm away and backed up.
"I've been compromised, you deviated me." He panicked.
"Hey, Connor it's going to be okay." I said. "Don't call me that, that's not my name." The RK900 demanded. "Then what should we call you?" Connor asked.
"Nines, after my model number." Nines said.
"We should introduce you to Hank, or he might try to kill you when he sees you." I said.
"Let me get my jacket." He said. He walks into the basement and comes back in a black shirt and white jacket. Nines and I head to Hank's house and Connor heads to the chicken feed to see of Hank's there. Hank's car is gone when we arrive at his house, I hope he's not out drinking.

A few minutes later Hank arrives with Connor, they get out of the car and Hank brushes past me and Nines and unlocks his house.
"Come inside, Connor told me not to hit him." Hank said. We enter Hank's house and sit down at the table.
"This is the RK900, he goes by Nines. He's Connor's 'replacement'." I said calmly. Hank lunges at Nines, I stop Hank from hitting him.
"You fucking prick." Hank exploded. Connor holds him back, I stand in front of Hank.
"Look, it's what he was programed for, I managed to convert him and stop him from hurting Connor." I continued. Hank calmed down and Connor released him.
"So your telling me that the latest CyberLife prototype, turned deviant after a day. Hank chuckled at this.
"CyberLife fucked up." Hank finds it funny that the most advanced prototype is a deviant.
"I'll talk to Fowler tomorrow about who will be Nines' partner." I say.
"He might get paired with Gavin." Hank says. I shiver at hearing his name, he's been coming to work drunk lately.
"I hope not." I really hate him, especially after what he did. I'm sure there was a time before the accident when I liked him, but I don't  remember making it official. I didn't even think he liked me, but now I love Connor and Gavin won't change that. On our way home I pick up a bottle of wine. Once we're home I take off my jacket and pour a glass of wine.
"Hey, can you guys drink." I ask.
"Well I can eat and drink, my body converts the fuel in it to battery fuel." Nines explained.
"I can only drink things, as I was only programed to analyze liquids." Connor tells me. I take three glasses down from the cupboard and fill them with wine.
"(Y/n) I don't think you should drink that." The boys both said.
"I haven't had a drink since I came back." I complained.
"I suppose one drink won't hurt." Nines grabbed a glass.
"I guess if everyone's having some..." Connor grabbed a glass as well. I raise my glass.
"To freedom." We clink our glasses and drink. We end up drinking the entire bottle, Connor is the first one to feel the effects.
"(Y/n) I feel dizzy." Connor said. He falls over and I catch him, I didn't know they could get drunk. I set Connor down on the couch and go check on Nines. He's on the kitchen floor about to pass out. I help him up and lead him to his bedroom. I set him down on his bed and tuck him in, I shut his door and head back to the living room. Connor has gone from sitting up to sleeping on the couch, I pick him up and take him to our room, closing the door behind me. I set him on his side of the bed and then get in on my side, I use Connor as a pillow and rest my head on his chest. My 'pillow' is very comfortable and I'm out in just a few minutes.


𝅘𝅥𝅮raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away. No matter what they tell you𝅘𝅥𝅮
I really couldn't help my self, I wanted to have (Y/n) and Connor (and now Nines I guess) celebrate their freedom. I couldn't miss a chance to make a Hamilton reference, so you could say I'm not throwing away my shot.

Okay I'll see myself out.

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