Rescued [21]

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November 14th, 5:42am, safe house.

I've been in here for 5 hours, alone, in the dark. I take a good look around, the floor is made of concrete. If I'm injured they have to come help me. I push the chair over and my head smacks the ground, therium leak, shit. I scream out in pain, the boys come running into the room. Gavin lifts me back up and checks my wound, he wipes the blood away.
"She has a nasty gash on her forehead." Gavin said.
"I didn't bring any therium here, I didn't think she would get injured." 'Connor' said. He takes a hot piece of metal and patches up my forehead.
"I feel woozy." I said. 'Nines' grabs a knife and without hesitation cuts open his arm. I scream at the sight off his blood, he walks twords me and I squirm. "Drink. If. You. Want. To. Survive." He demanded. He places his wound near my mouth, the blood drips into my mouth. It does make me feel less woozy, I close my eyes and drink his blood. He pulls away and 'Connor' patches up his arm. 'Nines' sits down in a chair beside me, he isn't doing so good. They take Nines out of the room and close the door behind them. I scoot over to the table and grab the knife, I cut the rope tied around my hands. I sit in the chair and start screaming, they come running back into the room. I stab 'Connor' in the eye, he screams in pain, I turn around and slit 'Nines' throat. The imposter RK brothers collapse, Gavin backs away slowly.
"I'm going to let you go, I'm not a monster. You have 3 seconds to get the fuck out of here. 1." On the count of one he's already gone. I clean myself off to the best of my abilities.

I open the door and walk out of the house, surprisingly the boys and Hank are outside, I hop into the passenger seat and we drive away.
"What happened, where are they?" Connor asked.
"They're dead, I killed them." I tell the truth.
"They wanted to reset me, make me a normal android so I could serve them, so I help them end android freedom." Fake Connor had filled me on on what they were going to do. Hank drives us home and leaves us a bottle of whiskey to celebrate me being back. I grab a glass and start drinking.
"(Y/n), it's early, I don't think you should drink that." Connor said. I chug the glass and set it down, I brush past him and head to my room to change.

~Connor's pov~

I take a seat on the couch, it's nice to have (Y/n) back. I still think she shouldn't have chugged that glass of whiskey, hopefuly one glass won't do to much damage. (Y/n) walks into the living room, she looks miserable. I walk over to her, she walks backwards away from me.
"(Y/n), please tell me what happened." She backed into the wall. Tears start fall down her cheek. I hold her hand and our hand skin comes off, I can see all of her memories. Stuck in that room, tortured by Gavin and a CyberLife controlled RK900, forced to drink his blood, manipulated by a Connor-60 modle. Then I see the old times, the day she was 'killed' and when she woke up and saw me. She pulls her hand away and the memories go away, she looks up at me and hugs me.
"I could see your memories, saving Emma Philips, helping that wounded officer, meeting Hank at Jimmy's bar, finding Carlos Ortiz's android." (Y/n) smiled at me. We head to the couch, (Y/n) sits in between me and Nines. She clings to me as she probably fears what Nines can do. Nines looks a little offended, I connect to him.
"Nines, you know she just came back from being tortured by you and Gavin right?" I said
"And you didn't torture her?" He asked.

"Well your stronger than me so you physically tortured her and I mentally manipulated her." I explained to him.
"How did you know that."
"She shared her memories with me." I disconnect from him.
"(Y/n), you know I would never hurt you right?" Nines told her.
"You could hurt me at anytime if you wanted to." (Y/n) said, clinging closer to me.
"I would never hurt you, I promise." He places his hand on her cheek. She places her hand on his and shares her memories with him.
"Amanda forced you to replace Connor and you never wanted to hurt anyone, you stayed by your brother when he was sick, you really care for us, you would never hurt us." (Y/n) smiled and huged Nines.

Today we have the day off because (Y/n) was kidnapped, we hang out around the house. We want to make sure (Y/n) is ready to head back to work. She rest her head on me, I don't think she's eaten anything. I head into the kitchen and make (Y/n) and Nines lunch.

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