Chapter Thirty three

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Clarke's POV:
It's been seven wonderful years until this day. Bellamy's at work, while our kids are at school. They are no longer babies. No matter how old they get, they will aways been my babies. That's never going to change. Even then they are sixty they will remind my Babies. 

I knocked on Lincoln and Octavia's front door and I let myself in. I had told Octavia that I was coming over and no one has to know about my visit. I grabbed the box from the car that I have with me. 

"What do you got there Clarke?" Octavia asks as she walks into the hallway there I'm taking of my shoes and coat. She gives me a hug Before she grabs the box and we walk into the kitchen. I have to remain strong. I can not break down in tears. I just can't. I'm not allowed to. I can't do that infront of my family. 

"I can not tell you. You have to promise me not to open it, okay? You shall hide it and never look inside. You have to give it to Bellamy when the time is right. I don't know then that will be. But you will." I say as I take a Place at the kitchen table. 

"Clarke, you're really scarying me right now. What's going on? You know that you can tell me anything and Everything." Octavia says. I can tell by the look on her face that she's really worried. 

Remain strong. I have to remain strong. 

"You have nothing to worry about O. You know me, I would tell you if something was wrong, wouldn't I?" I say with a smile. I reach for the tea that Octavia is offering. I take a sip from it. It taste good. Lately I've gotten a weird obsession with tea. I don't know why. 

"You better." Octavia says. She hides the box somewhere in the house so neither Aurora or Lincoln can find it. I'm so thankful for her. I stay for a Little while longer Before I have to go home. 

When I arrive at home later Bellamy is already home. I call our for him and I can hear him from our bedroom. I walk upstairs. Bellamy is laying on the bed, Reading a book. I take of my jeans as I grab a pair of sweatpants instead Before I crawl over to Bellamy. I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck. Bellamy leans down, kissing my forehead. 

"How was work?" I ask him. For the next couple of minutes Bellamy tells me about his day at work. I tell him about my day at work too. Everyday when we get home and cuddling we tell each other about our day. It's something that we've done for years now. A while later Bellamy starts Reading out loud of the book while he plays with my hair until I fall asleep in his arms. I love these moments with him. It's just us being together doing nothing but enjoying each others Company. Being with Bellamy is probably my favorite part of they day. Well, except for then our Children comes over. That's very nice too. It really makes me happy then we're all gathered together. 

"I'm so tired and got a headache Bell." I sad as I try my best nuzzling closer to him. Bellamy rubs the small of my back as he whisper sweet nothings. A few minutes goes by and I fell myself starting to fall asleep. 

"I love you Clarke. Sweet Dreams." Bellamy says Before we walks out of our bedroom. I'm usually the first one falling asleep. I've come to learn that after I've fallen asleep Bellamy walks downstairs to makes sure that Everything is fine with Odette. She's still Young and even though she isn't a Little baby anymore she needs help with some things. Bellamy usually checks so that she has finished her homework. Then around eight or nine o'clock he makes sure that Odette goes to sleep. After that he usually fixes a few things around the house Before he comes back to me and falling asleep with me in his arms. 


"Hey mama." Odette says as she walks into the washingroom there I'm folding the laundery that I've washed earlier today. 

"Hey sweetheart. How was school?" I ask her. 

"Good. I got an A in math. Apparently I'm the best in my class at math. It just comes natural to me. Everyone else just gets frustrated at math." Odette tells me and I laugh. She's my little genius. She's really smart then it comes to school. Really dedicated. She thrives for the highest scores.  I'm so proud of all my kids. 

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