Chapter twenty

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Clarke's POV:
After five years everything is still good and we are a happy family. It had been a very busy day in our family today. Samuel went to his first basketball training, Haley continued her dance lessons meanwhile Jessica and Kensi were over at their friends houses. I had to drive them around in the city to match our scedule. Bellamy had gotten of work later when usual.
I had to drive home to start dinner until Bellamy comes home after he has picked up all the kids. This is how every monday looks like, except that Bellamy finish work in time so that he can help me out.
We made the guestroom into an art studio so that I can paint and have some free time in my own. When Bellamy had told me that we would do that I got really excited and happy. I feel even more in love with Bellamy if that even is possible. He's an amazing man wgo I love deeply.
As I were standing in the kitchen making dinner my phone rang.
-This is Clarke Blake. I answered.
-I'm trying to get in contact with Clarke Griffin. I'm sorry for bothering. The woman on the other side of the line said.
-That's me. The name I went by before I got married. I told her.
-I'm calling from Californias memorial hospital. Your mother Abigail Griffin has been in an accident. We would like if you could get down here. The woman said.
-How bad is it? I ask. My hands is shaking and my voice are no near steady.
-It would be better to talk if you came here. She said.
-Okay. I said and then the line broke. I'm trying to figure out all the senarios that could have happened. I haven't seen my mother in seventeen years. We have talked over the phone a few times. Since my father passed away we lost contact. My own mother didn't want anything to do with me. I were so alike him. She's still my mother. Then I beoke down. She hasn't even seen her grandchildren face to face. Only pictures that I have posted on facebook. I feel like I'm the worst daughter and guilt comes over me.
I look at the clock. It's five and they are getting home in thirty minutes with Bellamy. My hands are still shaking so much that I don't think I can continuing with the dinner. I walk up to the master bedroom and pack a bag fast. I change clothes and put my hair in a ponny tail.
I know it's been thirty minutes since the door opens and their is people running around downstair and laughing.
-Give it back to me Jess! I hear Kensi saying as I hear my other two kids laughing. I don't know what they are arguing about as I'm sitting on the edge of my bed.
-Hey, dinner isn't ready. It's not all done. Just half of the dinner is ready. I hear Samuel saying.
-Dad, there's mum? Haley ask Bellamy. The door to the master bedroom is open. That's how I can hear them.
-I don't know guys. Sam go shower before dinner. Haley, Jess and Kensi you can start on your homework. Dinner will be a in an hour. I hear Bellamy telling our kids. They do as they are told. They are always so polite, full of love, happiness and energy.
-Hey princess. I thought that I was going to, what's going on Clarke? Bellamy said when he saw my red and watery eyes. He sat down on his knees in front of me and pulled me in for a hug. Bellamy brush away the hair that has fallen out of my ponny tail and over my face.
-Shh, it's going to be okay princess. Bellamy said as I had very sitting on the bed crying my eyes out.
-I'm a horrible daughter. I said. Bellamy looked at me weirdly as fast as those four word came out of my mouth.
-Why would you say that? Bellamy asks concerned.
-I haven't seen my mother in seventeen years. What kind of daughter does that? Family is the most important thing in a persons life. I'm horrible. Isn't it even more awful that she hasn't meet Kensi, Haley, Jessica or Samuel? I said.
-What are you talking about baby? Bellamy ask as he now had embraced me in a hug.
-My mother is badly injured and in the hospital. They don't want to tell me what happened. I must go to California. I want to take the first plan there. I tell Bellamy.
-She's going to be okay. Do you want me to come with you? Raven and Murphy can babysit the kids, take them in for a few days. Bellamy said.
-Do you really want to come? I ask.
-Of course. I will always be here and support you no matter what. Through hard and easy days. You'll go to bed now and we will take the first flight out tomorrow? How does that sound? Bellamy asks.
-Okay. I love you Bell. I whisper.
-I love you too princess. Bellamy says and as he kissed me on my lips and tucked me in. I didn't have an appetite to eat. Or the strength to do anything in practically. I cried myself to sleep that night. I'll be there soon mom.

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