Chapter nineteen

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Bellamy's POV:
Raven has been staying at our guest house for the past week. She has only gone to work then straight back here. She helps with dinner in the evenings before she leaves to be by herself. Neither Clarke or Raven has told me what had happened. Clarke respects her wishes not to talk about it. I'm here trying to be a supportive friend.
Someone knocks on the door and walks in. It's Murphy. Clarke and Raven had taken the kids to the park with Aurora, Lincoln and Octavia. Things around here is starting to fall back in place. It's nice. 
-I'm angry and hurt. Murphy said. 
-How come? The girls haven't talked to me except that you two are on no talking terms right now. I said  and made coffee for us. Murphy told me the whole story about what happened and how the fight escalated and got worse. 
-Everyone is getting married, having kids and making something out of their lives. Raven and I are in our thirties. We are living together and are happy. I had a shitty life when I were a child. I want to start a life with Raven. Just like you and Clarke, Lincoln and Octavia and everyone else. I love her and I bought a ring after work. Then I see her in that cafe with Wick and she smiled and hugged him. I didn't listen to her and we started fighting because of some reason I got jealous. Murphy admitted.
-Raven said that she were going to go home and talk with you six days ago. I guess that didn't happen? Am I right? She will be back soon with the kids. We have packed our bags and I were going to go get the RV that we are renting before they get home. Then they get home you talk with Raven. You have to resolve this so that you guys can be happy and move forward in your relationship. I'm sorry but I have to leave now. Make yourself comfortable while I'm gone. Okay? I said.
-Sure Blake. See you soon. Murphy said. I walked out of the house just as everyone else gets back. I guess that I'm a little behind schedule. Everyone got out of the cars.
-Daddy, when are we going on that roadtrip? Haley asks. 

-I'm on my way to get the RV now. Does anyone want to tag along? I ask. Haley and Samuel decided to come with me. 
-Reyes, Murphy is in the kitchen. He loves and misses you. Go in and talk with him. I said. She mumbled a 'thank you' before she disappeared into the house. 
-We'll be back in an hour princess. I said and kissed Clarke on the forehead. 
-See you in an hour. Samuel and Haley got into the car, put their seatbelts on and then we drove out of the driveway. 

Murphy's POV:
I were waiting in the guest house there Raven currently is staying at. I have been a mess since our fight. Every couple has their rough paths. We just have to get through this together as a team after we have talked everything out. 
-Blake let me stay. I said when Raven got inside and closed the door behind her. She shock her head and looked down onto the floor as she placed her bag on a chair and looked up at me.
-I would never intentionally hurt you Reyes. I would never do that. I guess that I got a little insecure when I saw you with your ex boyfriend. I know it's stupid. I had no right to act like I did or be jealous for something that was innocent. I said.
-I think that this is our biggest fight yet Murphy. Why didn't you come talking to me earlier? Raven asks.
-I wanted to give you space and I think that someone as awesome as you deserves someone more worthy than me. I admitted.
-Never say that again about yourself Murphy. Our relationship was on and off in the beginning. I'm going to be nagging you about it until we're old and grey until you'll realize what I know. That you are worthy. You and I might fight sometimes, just like every other couple does. That doesn't mean that we love each other less. I love you John Murphy. Raven said. 
-We might not be the most realistic couple. But that day when we fought I had bought you something. i'm not good with words. It was this. I said and took out the ring that I had had in my pocket. Raven's eyes got wide.
-I know, it's not really your scene. I am in love with you Raven Reyes. I said.
-We still have to talk about everything. Raven said and looked at me with  a smile.
-Is that a yes? I ask nervously. Never in my whole life had I thought that I would be this nervous. My whole body is shaking.
-I'll marry you on one condition. It will be a small wedding. A little ceremony and a party. Not a whole big reception. That's to much. Raven said. 

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