Chapter twenty three

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Clarke's POV:
The day is finally here. It's the day that Raven and Murphy is getting married. I have never seen a bride who is as calm as Raven is today. Even Octavia seems to be more excited about this wedding than anyone else. When Haley had asked Raven why she is so calm her answer had been "Why wouldn't I be calm? Today I can see what my whole future looks like". The wedding isn't the most important thing. Becoming Mrs Raven Reyes Murphy is what's matter to her. I think that that's pretty sweet. 
Octavia has gone all out on this wedding though. That's because she didn't get to be a part of mine and Bellamy's. She's still happy that Bell and I got our first dance and a wedding cake. Except that it was on her wedding day. Which she was happy to share a bit of. Isn't she amazing? 
-Mama, can you help doing my hair? I want you to braid it like Kensi and Haley's hair too. Jessica yells from upstairs. I take a look around the livingroom there I'm currently doing Harper's hair. 
-I will be up in a few minutes sweetie. I tell her. All my daughters and Aurora are braidmaids. Including Harperr and I. Octavia kinda forced Raven to be her maid of honor. Bellamy was asked by Murphy to be his best man. Obviously he said yes. 
-You haven't told us where you are going for your honeymoon. So where are you guys going? Harper ask.
-Murphy suggested that we should fly to Italy. I want to spend our honeymoon in France. We decided to compromise. One week in France and another in Italy. Raven replies. 
-How can you guys afford that? Iḿ jealous but that's really expensive. Octavia says.
-It's called savings O. You have to save money to do things that you would like to do. Raven says. Octavia smiled, yet rolled her eyes and then we changed subject. After I was done with doing Harper's hair I walked up the stairs and into Jessica's room there the girls were. Aurora were here too since har mother is here.  
-You look gorgeous. Murphy is one lucky guy. Harper says. I can hear Octavia agreeing with her. She is right. Raven is seriously a gorgeous bride. Even how much I love being married to Bellamy, I wish that our children would have been there. Overall I'm happy. Then my phone rings and I see that it's Bellamy.

-Hey princess. We're on our way to the church.

-Okay, we'll be there in thirty minutes. Octavia and Raven will come after us then. 

-I love you.

-I love you too Bell. I'll see you soon.

-Guys, we're leaving now. Get into the car. I tell all the girls. Jessica and Aurora is going with Harper. Haley and Kensi goes with me. O, you must have Raven at the church in an hour. That's when the wedding starts. I believe that Murphy wants to see him bride when the doors opens. I say before I grab my purse and call the girls down. The four girls walks down the stairs. They aren't little kids anymore, almost all grown up teenagers. I can't believe there the years has gone. It doesn't feel loong ago that we took the twins home and adopted Kensi and her brother. Everything feels surreal. There dresses are light pink with sleeves and lace. They look beautiful. All of them. 

-Look at you girls. You're beautiful. Bellamy says and hugs his daughters.
-Thanks dad. The three girls says in sync, then they run away.
-And you princess, wow, you are freaking gorgeous. Bellamy says and kisses me. It almost turns into a make out session before we get inturrupted by none other than the groom himself.
-Have you heard anything from Raven? Murphy asks.
-She's fine. Octavia is fixing the last details with her look. Raven can't wait to marry you. Do me a favor and don't faint when she walks down the aisle just because she looks beathtaking, okay? I say as I try to joke a little.
-You can go back to your make out session now. Murphy says before he also walks away. I laugh and kiss Bellamy on the cheek.
-My sister hasn't been to much of a drama queen? Bellamy ask me. He probably already knows the answer anyway.
-Not more than usual. O wants everything to be perfect for them. It's a wedding after all. I say before we walk hand in hand into the church. Family, close friends, co-workers and relatives sits down in the church as they come. 

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