Chapter twenty eight

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Clarke's POV:
Octavia had been so happy when Bellamy and I told everyone that we shall renew our vows. She thought that it was a perfect idea. On the other hand she wanted to organize a whole party for us which Bellamy and I are against. We shot down that idea right away and Octavia wasn't happy about that. She didn't talk to either of us until three days later. She's a bit overdramatic. Still the dramaqueen show could be back in high school and college. I thought that she would have grown out of it. I guess that's a part of who she is. 
Since Bellamy and I are living in a big house with all our children and it's summer we decided to renew our wedding vows in the back yard. It's going to be real simple, but a bigger wedding than we had the first time Bellamy and I got married. Eloping might not have been the best idea but I never once regretted making that decision. If not we might have gotten married years later or something like that. 
-Mama, Odette and I baked a cake. Haley says happinly as when I walk into the kitchen. Odette who is one years old now is sitting on the kitchen counter is eating the leftovers of the chocolate butter in the bowl. I chuckled at the sight of my two beautiful daughter.
-I bet that the cake is going to taste great. I said and kissed my daughter on the head. Then I became a little bit more serious.
-You let your little sister sit on the kitchen counter? I asked even if it's more of a statement. My daughter just smirks and nod her head. She got the same cheeky smirk that Bellamy has. Actually both our twins has. 
-Put the cake in the fridge, will you sweetie? I say and pick my youngest daughter of the kitchen counter as Sam walks in. 
-Harper wants you in your master bedroom. Sam says and take Odette from me. I nod and thank him before I walk to mine and Bellamy's bedroom. When I close the door behind me I'm faced with Harper and Raven. They are both smiling. 
-What's going on guys? I ask. I can see the look on their faces. 
-Sit down in front of the mirror and let Harper do her masterpeices. This is direct orders from your beloved sister-in-law. Since she didn't get to be involved in either of your weddings she has put Harper up on doing your hair and make up flawlessly. Raven says. 
-I got your outfit from O too. Raven adds. About an hour later when I watch myself in the mirror I thank both Harper and Octavia. Even if O isn't in here right now. 
-Harper, this looks amazing. I say and thank her. Harper braided my hair in a perfect updo which was really beautiful and my make up were very simple since Bellamy prefer my natural looks. 
-Show me what outfit O decided I should wear. I say. I said.
-It's a white dress. Harper says. I actually already got a dress that I was going to wear and it's not white. so my guess is that Octavia somehow figured out that I wasn't going to wear a white dress. 
-Just so you know, Octavia respects what you and Bellamy want for this wedding. Despite her being a bit bossy with a few details. It's a knee short wedding dress. The dress has long sleeves. The dress is also backless meanwhile the front is a deep V-neck. There's a lot of lace too. 
-The dress is beautiful. I say.
-Try it on. Harper says. Within three short minutes I have the dress on me. Octavia made the right choice buying this dress for me even though I'm going to pay her back the money. 
-Bellamy is right, you really do look like a princess. There's a knock on the door and I can hear Bellamy's voice. Harper tells him to go away since it's bad luck. I never believed in bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding. We're just going to renew the vows. It's not like we're getting married for the first time. 
-Let him in Harper. I say. She steps aside so that Bellamy can walk into our bedroom. 
-I'm warning you guys if O finds out she's going to leacture you guys on bad luck. Harper says.
-We don't believe in bad luck. Bellamy and I say in union and laugh as Harper close the door behind her. 
-Wow princess, you really do look like a princess. More like a sexy princess. Bellamy says. 
-Thank you Bell. Did you want anything? I say and walk up to him. 
-I were going to say, see you soon princess, but I really just want to rip that dress of you and never leave our room tonight. Bellamy says and kisses me passionated. He puts both his hands on my hips and pull me closer to him and my arms snakes around his neck. About two minute in our hot make out session the door flew open and in walks Miller. 
-You guys better get your sorry asses down and out to the back yard. Let get this wedding started. Miller says who has covered his eyes with his own hands. We laugh at Miller when he leaves the room. 
-Come on Bell, the faster we get done with this, the faster we can send everyone away and the kids with Lincoln and Octavia. Then you can get the privilage of ripping my dress of. I say and peak a kiss on his lips before I drag him with me. Bellamy has a big smirk on his lips. When we walk out to the patio we can see all our friends and family sitting on chairs at the backyard. Somehow Octavia has managed without our knowledge to make this into a somewhat big wedding at our home. Not exactly what I was asking for. In the end I have nothing to complain about. Everyone that we love is here and that's all I can really ask for. 

-Clarke, we have been married for many years now and many more to come. You are my wife, my love, my best friend, my companion, my princess, my life, my forever and I vow to love you truly, madly, deeply and forever. I love you princess. Bellamy says as we now are holding hands. I look into Bellamy's eyes and I can see all the love. 
-Through all the obstacles, ups and downs you have always stuck by my side. You have always supported and loved me for who I am. You amaze me everyday by your strength, love and support. If anyone deserve the world it's you Bell. You deserve all the love and gratitude and appreciation. For the rest of my life I will truly, madly and deeply love you. You're stuck with me because I'm not going anywhere and I will love you always and forever. I say.
-And ny the power of me and the internet 
-Murphy you don't have to say that. We're already married. Bellamy says and everyone laughs. 
-Well then, I guess you can just start kissing each other. Murphy says and goes to sit next to Raven. I don't know for how long our kiss was, but it was amazing and I never wanted to let go of Bellamy. 
-Break it up now. We all hear Kensi saying and everyone falls into laughter again. 
-Damn it. You're vow was much better than mine. I say and Bellamy leans in again to kiss me passionated. 
-No worries princess, I think my sister is going to make us renew our vows in a few years again. Bellamy says. We an hear laughter once again from our family and friends. Is everything we say funny or why are they laughing so much? 

A while later everyone were gathered inside the house to eat cake. Haley and Odette's cake tasted real good. Raven had baked one too which Murphy had helped with so you can guess how that went. So apparently on their way to us earlier they had went by a bakery to buy an extra cake. However neither Jasper, Bryan, Alec or Odette were the only ones who att the cake that Murphy were in on. 
While everyone were eating their cakes and different sorts of cookies, a few of our friends hold speeches. A few memories throughout the years were being told.
And by the end of the day, when all the guest had left Bellamy got to rip the dress of me which he seemed very pleased by. I didn't mind it at all. I was loving every moment of that night. Obviously the kids were with Octavia and Lincoln.

I'm sorry that this chapter was very short. However the next one is going to be longer.

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