Chapter two

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Clarke's POV: 
I were now sitting in Lincoln's kitchen. Octavia had dragged me with her to his place. Octavia and my other friends are worried about me. They try to keep me out of the new apartment that I am sharing with Octavia and Bellamy. The reason for this is because Bellamy has a girlfriend. Her name is Gina. I seriously can't stand her. It doesn't help that she is kind and in a few ways looks good.
Octavia doesn't want me to sit around and be in a bad mood all day long. I am upset with Bellamy because all he seems to do is spend time with Gina. It's always Gina. I am supposed to be his best friend! She is trying to take him away from me and our friends. It's unfair. 
Bellamy himself doesn't seem to understand what the problem here is. Obviously because Gina has him wrapped around her finger. It makes me really upset and I just can't stand it. My emotions are all over the place. This has been going on for three months now. Like a month after Octavia and I graduated high school. Now we are in college and it's really fun. Jasper has this crazy idea to make Bellamy jealous so that I can get my best friend back.

-Just sober up and we can go out and do something that you like. Octavia said as she gave me a glas of water.
-Fine. But no shopping. I said.
-But! Octavia said.
-If you decide to go and shop I will buy myself some ice cream, a pizza and binge watch some tv serie. I said.
-Fine! What do you want to do then? Octavia asked. I were thinking for a while.

-Oh I know! I have this art project that I have to finish in a week. I need inspiration. Can we go to the art museum? I asked.
-Fine with me. No longer than and hour! Octavia said. We shaked hand on that. It was a deal. Lincoln drove us to the art museum after we had eaten breakfast. I have my own license. I'm just lazy to drive myself. The three of us got out of Lincoln's car. He locked his car and we walked into the art museum. I love this place. Since I love art this feels like a third home to me. Not a second home. Anywho, Octavia is complaining alot. Maybe a little less complaining today since Lincoln is here with us. Just my lucky day.
-It's beautiful. A guy said as he went up and stood next to me.
-What? I asked a little confused.
-The painting. It's a great painting. I have to admit that you also are beautiful. The guy said.
-What's your name stranger? I asked.

-You don't remember me, do you? He said.
-No? I said a little unsure.

-I'm Wells Jaha. Does it ring a clock now? He asked.
-OMG! Of course it does. I said. Wells Jaha's father and mother was one of my parents closest friends. That was until his mother died in a car accident. If I remember right Wells and I were only four years old then. I never got a real explanation why they left. Only what happened to Mrs Jaha. I have totally forgotten about Wells. We hugged each other and immediately started to talk. We walked into the cafeteria that was a part of the museum. We sat down and ordered. I send a short text to Octavia:

To Octavia:
Met my childhood friend. Having coffee together at the cafeteria. Don't wait for me.

From Octavia:
Sure. Take care of yourself. Say Hi from me. Be home before midnight. 

To Octavia:
Will do! 

From Octavia:
Don't get yourself pregnant! 

To Octavia:
Are you kidding me? That would never happen. 

From Octavia:
Good! Just in case, even tho I ship you and my brother, Bell isn't home. He's with Gina. 

To Octavia:
He's a friend I lost fourteen years ago. I'm not hooking up with him! 

From Octavia:
Good. I know you love my brother. 

To Octavia:
Bell is my best friend. Of course I love him. 

Wells and I sat in the cafeteria for hours talking to each other about everything. I haven't been this relaxed in a long time. My mood seems to get better and I don't feel as depressed as I was before. I like his company.
-You replaced me with Bellamy Blake huh? He said. I know that he was joking.
-Oh shut up! You left me. I said. 

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