Chapter fifteen

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Clarke's POV: 
It exactly twelve hours until Octavia and Lincoln's wedding starts.  Pretty much everything is ready for the wedding. We just have to make Octavia and Lincoln, get them to the church and fix a few small things. Nothing that neither of them has to worry about. There is only one thing that Octavia is freaking out about. It's that something might go wrong in the next twelve hours. Lincoln doesn't really believe that you aren't allowed not to see the bride before the wedding. So since O were freaking out last evening, Lincoln came over and calmed her down. They are such a lovely couple together. 
Harper and Raven were looking after all our kids. Octavia had called Bellamy to come over to her house there we currently are at. Right not it's only O and I here as we are waiting for Bell to come. The front door open and Bellamy walks in. He sits down next to me at the dinner table. 
-I have been thinking a lot. I know that I'm getting married in less than twelve hours. And I'm really extremly excited and happy about everything. However I wanted to talk about you two for a moment. I'm still a little upset that you eloped so that I, your dear best friend and sister, couldn't be there and witness your happy wedding or whatever. I thought that I were going to get married before you. I mean you two weren't even engaged. Still I would like to give you a wedding present. Octavia said and put a little velvet box infront of Bellamy and I. 
-O, this is mums wedding ring. Bellamy said shocked.
-It's yours O. It's supposed to be your wedding ring. I said.
-Dear brother, you married my best friend and you didn't even bought her a ring? Even Miss Griffin, correction, Mrs Blake deserves a wedding ring. Mum would be proud so proud of the man you have become big brother. It's the right thing for you to give Clarke her wedding ring. It's the least I can do. Octavia said. Bellamy put the ring on my finger. It's a old and beautiful ring. Then we thanked Octavia and hugged her. I had tears in my eyes of happiness.
-No more crying. You have to save those tears for my wedding. Octavia joked. Bellamy and I started to laugh along with Octavia.

It's only three hours left until Octavia is walking down the aisle. Bellamy is going to walk his little sister down the aisle. Raven and I are going to be her bridemaids. Aurora is going to be the flower girl. Miller and Monty. Nyko, an old friend of Lincoln's are going to officiate the wedding. Octavia didn't want to have a "random, stranger, old, dude, that no one knows". I had started to laugh then Octavia said that which only lead to me being yelled at by our precious Octavia Blake. It's a happy day and I want everything to go as it's supposed to. Everything has to be perfect. 
Harper were going to be one of the bridesmaids but since Octavia is who she is it didn't exactly work out that way. Just like she didn't want a stranger to officiate her wedding, she doesn't want another stranger to sing at her wedding. Since everyone knows what a beautiful singing voice Harper got, she is going to sing as Bellamy walks his little sister down the aisle. This meant that Jasper and Monty didn't have a part of the wedding. Which they were very upset about. Especially Jasper Jordan. Octavia had told them to "Suck it up and be happy for me". Which they did. Lincoln however agreed that they could be the once who took care of the music at the DJ booth. Eventually O got on board with it too. Finally everyone is happy. Lincoln and Octavia had invited friends, family, relatives and colleagues. Everyone were aloud to have a plus one with them. This wedding isn't going to be small. It's a big one.

Octavia had dragged me, Harper and Raven with her to by bridemaids dresses and a wedding dress for herself. Raven had agreed only if she got to drink wine throughout
the appointment that we got at the wedding dress shop. Octavia had looked at her as if she were crazy but agreed without question anything. 
Our children, Jessica, Haley and Aurora were with us. Bellamy had to work so I had to take them with me. Aurora were so happy trying on all kind of dresses. That made mummy happy. 
Since Octavia is wearing a long dress, all the bridemaids has to wear short once. We had been at the wedding dress shop for three hours until Octavia found the perfect dress for us to wear. It was a short lace flared skirt. The top of the dress were sleeveless with sheer neckline and matching satin ribbon. The dress came in different colors. Octavia really did love this dress. However Raven didn't like the lace. She has never really liked lace in general. Obviously Octavia already knows this. We had asked those who work here if there is a possibility to keep the dress except that you take of the lace. I don't know how it's possible to take of the lace but they could do it. So Harper and I got the dresses with lace on and Raven didn't have lace on hers. We all decided on the color purple. 
If there is one person that she loves more than Lincoln and Bellamy, it's her and Lincoln's daughter. She gave Aurora permission to choose whatever dress she wants to wear as long as it had any kind of shade of purple. Aurora were twirling around in all the dresses as she tried to decided which one she were going to wear to her mothers wedding. 

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