Chapter twenty four

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Clarke's POV:
-Hurry up kids. You need to get to school. Bellamy isn't home today as you might know. Alec, since you are the only one who has a driver lisence, for the first time I give you premission to drive to school. You make sure that Jess, Haley, Kensi and Samuel gets to school in time and without any problems. If something happens, Samuel you call me. I tell all my kids. Odette is currently laying in her crib sleeping.
-I promise to get them to school safely and in time. I'll be in time too. I promise. Alec says and I believe him. 

-Boys, take care of the girls as always. Give me a hug before you leave for school. I say. I get a hug from each child of mine before they drive out of the driveway and to school. I watch as the car drives away so that they can get to school. I watch through the window before I walk upstairs to Odette. I pick her up from her crib and bring her downstairs and I sit down on on of the chairs in the livingroom. She's only five weeks old. 
-Your brothers and sisters aren't very young anymore. Alec is going of to college next year and Samuel in two years. Then there is your sisters. Luckily they have a few more years in high school. You have five big siblings and two parents who loves you very much Odette. Your father is in Floria helping out Jasper and Maya as they are moving there. Monty tagged along since Jasper is his best friend. Jasper tried to convince Monty to move to Florida with them. But he's now engaged to Harper. Harper's boss promoted her a while ago which ended with her and Monty moving into a bigger apartment and they don't want to move away. We better hope that Monty gets her pregnant soon. Then you can have a little best friend growing up with. Just like your siblings had. Daddy is coming home tomorrow. He misses you and the others so much. He can't wait to be back again. I tell Odette. I know that she doesn't understand what I'm talking about and she will never remember. But I have no one else that I can talk with at the moment and I love spending time with my little girl. 
-You're beautiful. Do you know that? You look alot like your father. A little like me too. You are mostly alike your father. I whisper and kiss her forehead before I lay her down in a crib that we have in the livingroom. 
-I might not be to good at cooking dinners. However I can bake. So that's what I'm going to do. I just to figure out what I should bake. Why am I talking to myself? 
I bake a cake and it actually taste really good and I'm proud of myself. Then my phone rings and it's Bellamy.

-Hey princess. How's the most beautiful wife and princess doing? 

-You have to come home. I'm so bored. I know that I'm on maternity leave, but I have seriously nothing to do. I even went into the kitchen and started baking. That's literally how bored I am. I wish that you are here right now and keep me busy. 

-Can't you spend time with the kids? 

-Bell, they are at school. I know that I teach art there and I miss everything. But I can't go there now when I'm on maternity leave. 

-You have Odette. 

-As much as I love her I can't spend to much time with her. Because she only sleeps and eat. I talk to her a little when she's awake, but that isn't a long time. She's adorable. I'll send you a picture soon of her.

-Maybe O can get off work earlier today and you two can spend some time together? It was a long time since you and my sister hang out together without anyone else. Because as you said, little Odette is usually only eating and sleeping. I love her too very much.

-That's a good idea. I can call her later. 

-I will see if I can get home a little earlier than planed. I miss you and the kids like crazy too. 

-Talk to you later Bell.

-Of course. I love you princess.

-And I love you too Bell. 

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