Chapter three

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy  has finished college. Our friends wanted a reason to throw a party. Bellamy didn't want it to be a big deal. Octavia and Jasper want to go all out on this party. However it's only going to be us and our friends. That's how we got Bellamy to agree for us to throw this party.
A few hour ago we had seen him graduate. Our friends headed home as they were going to fix things before celebrating tonight. Raven and Miller had voted for us all to go out. That always ends up with all of us getting way to drunk. Not that I'm complaining. They had started to organize the party. Raven and Miller had manage, somehow to convince them all that we are going out instead. Now it's going to be hard to get Bellamy out of the apartment and go to a bar. 

-Stop arguing Bell and get up. I said annoyed.
-I told you I don't want to party. Bellamy said. He was even more annoyed than I am. 

-Seriously Bell what happened to you? You literally graduated like five hours ago. I asked crossing my arms and looked at him. He put away his book that he was currently reading.
-You wanna party? He fired back.
-No, it doesn't end well when go out partying. I said. 

-There you got your answer. Bellamy said. 
-I'm going to drag your sorry ass out of here. I said. 

-I'd like to see you try princess. Bellamy said. 
-Ugh, you are unbelievable and unreasonable Blake. I'm not leaving her until you come with me. Plus you promised Octavia and Jasper that you are going to come. I said.
-I guess that you are stuck with me then princess. Bellamy said and smiled. I sat down on the edge of Bellamy's bed and pulled out my phone from my bag.

To Octavia:
Your brother is being an idiot. 

From Octavia:
What has he done now? 

To Octavia:
He's done nothing.

From Octavia:
What's the problem then? 

To Octavia:
He doesn't want to go to the party that we decided on.

From Octavia:
Sorry Clarke, I can't do anything about it. Find a way to drag his sorry ass out of the apartment.

I didn't bother to write back to her. I have to come up with a solution of how to get Bellamy out of the apartment by myself. Because Bellamy and I are stubborn, almost equally stubborn, it's hard to win a fight. Not that we are fighting. We are just arguing about this.
-You can find a girl to hook up with. I suggested.
-I don't want to hook up with some girl from a bar. Bellamy said. I stood infront of him and carefully felt his forehead with my palm. Nope, he doesn't have a fever.
-What's going on Bell? I asked. Now I am actually concerned.
-It's nothing Clarke. I just don't want to hook up with someone or get drunk. Bellamy said.
-Then you can be the one who drives us all home. Also when did you lose intrest in girls? I asked.
-Fine. I can come. I won't drink. Only drive our friends who are drunk home. I don't want randoms one night stands. I'm no teenager anymore. I want a real relationship. Bellamy said. I have never seen him more serious than he is right now. And we have known each other basically since we were just a few years old. 

To Octavia:
Bellamy and I will be late. Don't ask why. We'll be there at 9.

I'm really curious right now. I told Bellamy to wait as I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I grabbed us some snacks and beer. Maybe drinking beer isn't such good idea since Bellamy is going to drive us home later. I was going to put the beer back into the fridge but I changed my mind. We can always take a taxi home later tonight.
I looked at my armwatch. It's only seven o'clock in the evening. We have only less than two hours to talk about this since m really curious. At the same time I know that it won't take two hours to talk about this. Because Bellamy doesn't open up and talk about his so called feelings. Even if I'm his best friend I have to push him a little to talk about more personal things. I crawled into the bed and put the snacks and beer between us. This isn't weird for us. It never has been. 

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