Chapter twelve

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Clarke's POV:
Ten months ago Harper agreed to become our surrogate. One month later she were carrying mine and Bellamy's baby. We couldn't be any happier. We were going to have a child. We have decided on not finding out the sex of the baby. Only if she or he were healthy. Which the baby is. Not only is the baby healthy, the babies are. Harper is carrying twins. We got two for one. Which made us twice as happy. 
Bellamy and I had already started on the nursing room when we found out that we were going to have twins. Which made us re- do most of the nursing room. We had moved into an even bigger apartment than the one we had been living in since Octavia and Lincoln moved in together. Everything feels amazing right now. 

This morning Harper had called us and she told us that her water had broke. So we rushed to her apartment and got her as fast as we possible could to the hospital. Bellamy and I made sure that we could get a private room. We decided on not telling anyone yet that we were at the hospital and Harper giving birth. We don't want to stress her out. 
At one moment then her contraction were at the worst she blamed us for the pain that she is going to be in when she is giving birth. Bellamy and I were standing at each side of her hospital bed holding her hand. She has a strong grip.

-You are eight centimeters dilated. You are going to have to start pushing soon Harper. The doctor said. 
-Tell me again why I'm doing this? Harper said and looked up on the ceiling praying for the pain to go away.  
-Because you love us and we you. Also because you are going to be the greatest aunt. You might have to fight with Octavia on who's going to be the greatest aunt. I'm not getting into that one. No one else knows that it's twins except for the three of us. Bellamy said. 

-That's true. Harper said. 
-Nine centimiters. The doctor said.
-This is really happening you guys. You are going to be parents to two beautiful children. In a few minutes it's happening. Harper said. We could see happy tears in her eyes. She is a strong young woman who deserves the world and all the admiration and love for what she has done to us. She has given us the most beautiful gift in the world. A family of our own. And I can't be more greatful that I already am. 
Twenty minutes later we heard a little baby crying. The doctor were about to me our newborn. Both Bellamy and I are so proud and appreciate what Harper has done for us. Mine and Bellamy's eyes meet. We think the same thing. The doctor gives me our baby. The baby stops crying and I give her to Harper. Her face lit up with happiness yet a little confusion. 
-What you have done for us Harper is amazing. We can't thank you enough. You're her aunt. You were our surrogate. You should be the first one to hold her. I tell her. Bellamy hold me in his arms and gives me a kiss on my forehead. 

-I love you Clarke Grififn. You are amazing and you are going to be an even more amazing mother to our beautiful baby girl. And you Harper, made our dreams come true. We are forever greatful for what you have done for us. For your kindness. Bellamy says. 
-We can't thank you enough Harper. I say. 

-You don't have to thank me. It was a pleasure doing this for you guys. You are my friend and I love you guys. Just ask and you can hire my uterus another time again. Harper said. The three of us starts laughing at the last part. If she's up for that we might even do that another day again. 
-Do you have a name? She asks. 
-Yeah, her name is Haley Harper Griffin Blake. Bellamy says. 
-Really? You are going to make me cry. Harper said. 
-We have no room for tears now Harper. It's time to start pushing again. The second one is on the way. The doctor said. Harper gave Haley to Bellamy. The sight of Bellamy holding our newborn baby melts my heart. I know that in this moment it might not be accurate. But I take our my phone from my pocket and take a picture of them. Then I put my phone back into my pocket and hold Harper's hand for support. Then we could hear our second baby crying. We were told that it was another healthy baby girl. Aurora is going to have two cousins who are girls. The doctors gives the baby to me first and the I give her to Harper. She's beautiful. 
-Her name is Jessica Octavia Griffin Blake. I tell Harper. Then Harper gives my daughter. Harper is exhausted after giving birth to two healthy baby girls. Our baby girls. 

An hour later all our friends are waiting outside the private room there Harper is at. Bellamy and I are in their with her. We are sitting in there holding our children as Harper has fallen asleep. This day couldn't have turned out any better. I will forever savor this day, this moment. 
Ten minutes later Harper wakes up. That means that we can let our friends in so that they can see our newborns. The first once to come in is Raven, Octavia, Lincoln and Aurora. Octavia is shocked. Then her face lit up in happiness. 
-You have twins. Omg guys, that's amazing. She said. We let Raven hold Haley and Octavia got to hold Jessica. 

-Octavia, we want you to meet Jessica Octavia Griffin Blake. She's your goddaughter. You may spoil her as much as you want to. We call her Jess. Bellamy says.
-Raven, you are holding Haley Harper Griffin Blake. We decided on giving her Harper's name as her middle name. As we have told Harper, we will forever be greatful for what she has done for us. But we want to ask you if you would like to her Haley's godmother? I tell her. 

-Really? You want me to be her godmother? She ask me.
-Yeah, we do. Bellamy says.
-Shouldn't Harper be her godmother? You gave her Harper's name as her middle name. Raven said.
-If Bellamy and Clarke ever would have another child they would want you to be the godmother. I told them that it's a honor that Haley gets my middle name. But you deserve to be her godmother. I suggested it. They love the idea and wants you to be the godmother. Harper said.
-Thank you guys so much. You have no idea what this means to me. Raven said.

-Since Octavia is going to be Jessica's godmother we want Lincoln to get the title as her godfather. And we are going to ask Miller to be the godfather of Haley. Bellamy says.
-All of this is amazing guys. I'm so proud of you big brother, Clarke and Harper. Bell and Clarke are literally the super power couple. And you Harper McIntyre are probably the best friend a person could have. I can feel all the love in here. Octavia said. 

One day later we we arrived back home. It feels surreal. We are not a family of two anymore. Now it's Bellamy and I along with our two lovely daughters. Bellamy put Jessica down in her crib as I laid Haley down in hers. We have opened a new chapter in our lives. So far it's the best one. Everything is amazing.

-We are going to adore, care and love you forever. I told my daughters who's asleep. I have my back at Bellamy. He has wrapped both his arms around my waist as I lean against his chest. I'm so going to get used to this. Bellamy kisses the top of my head. 
-I guess that you're not my only princess anymore? Bellamy says. I look at him confused. 
-We have two daughters. They have your beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm going to have to protect my three girl now. You're not my only girl anymore. Bellamy says. I lean up and kiss Bellamy lightly on the lips. 
-That's right Bell. You got three girls now. Plus your sister that you are very protective over. You are going to be very busy. I love you Bell. I said. Bellamy and I had decided that I should take maternity leave the first five ommonths. Then Bellamy would stay home with them for the next other five months. Then there will be summer break so we can stay home together with them. By then Haley and Jessica are going to be ten months old. We haven't decided what to do when summer break is over and we both have to go back to work fulltime. We will find a way. We always do. It's all about love and communication.

-Let's order italian food and be here. Bellamy says. I agree with them. We're not going anywhere. We are always going to be here for our children.
Twenty minutes later someone knocks on the door and it's the delivery guy. He gives us our italian food. Then we walk into our own bedroom and sit in our bed, putting on a movie and start eating. Jessica and Haley's nursery is next to our so we will hear if they wake up. After we finished eating go walk into the nursery. They are still asleep. I can't help but take another picture of them Of mine and Bellamy's babies. 

Group chat:
Can't get enough of their cuteness. Harper McIntyre you brought us the best gift of them all. 

I sent it to our friends in our group  chat and added the picture of Jessica and Haley. As Haley woke up and started crying, Jessica did the same. Bellamy had to feed Jessica as I had to change Haley's diaper. Then they went back to sleep again. I looked at the clock. It's almost midnight. We decided to go to sleep now. We don't know when they will wake up and wanting to be fed again or change their diapers. This is one journey that I'm going to enjoy. Every moment is worth savor. Less than ten minutes later I had fallen asleep next to Bellamy. 

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