Chapter twenty two

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy and I were sitting outside the principal's office with Haley and Samuel. We had been at work when we had got a phone call from their school telling us that Samuel had been in a fight and that Haley had been involved somehow. We had not been given much more information than that. Neither of our kids wanted to tell us what had happened.
I'm very disappointed in my kids. They should not have been in a fight. I thought that Bellamy and I had raised them a little better than that. Bellamy had told me not to jump into any conclution until we know what really went on and why and who started the fight. The door opened to the principal's office and an older man and a boy around sixteen or seventeen walked out. Then the principal called in us. I'm actually embarrassed to be here since my kids has been in a fight.

-Mr and Mrs Blake, please sit down. The principal says. Haley and Samuel sits down too on each side of Bellamy and I. They both looks down on the floor not daring to look at the principal or us, knowing that we are disappointed.
-Get straight to the point. What happened? I ask. Bellamy intertwined our hands. I can feel myself getting frustrated.
-He threw the first punch. Samuel whisper, still not looking at us.
-From the beginning son. Bellamy says. Samuel kept quiet so I turned to face my daughter to see if she were willing to talk.
-A guy named Alec Hunter, the guy who walked out before we came here came up to Sam. He said a few things about how his family didn't want him because he's adopted and has been in the foster system for years. Even if we adopted him seven years ago and Kensi. Sam tried to keep his cool. I wanted to defend Sam becasue he's my brother and no one is messing with my family. Alec then started to say a few mean things about me which Sam didn't appreciate. Just like me he doesn't like anyone messing with his family. We were going to walk away when Alec hit Sam. That's how the fight got started. Haley says. I look at Bellamy and smile a little. Knowing that my kids are standing up and defending each other makes me happy. On the other hand I still don't like that Sam started to fight with Alec. I'm still disappointed in that.
-Okay, you can leave the office so that I can talk to your parents. The principal says to Haley and Samuel. I tell them to wait outside so that we can drive straight home after we are done here. They listen to us and walk out without a word.
-Why would this kid want to pick a fight with my son? Bellamy ask.
-It's classified. You are lucky that I'm only going to suspend Samuel for three days. I wish that he learns not to fight during school. The principal says and shows us out of his office.

When we get into the car, Samuel takes out his headphone and phone from his bag and so does Haley. Ever since Bellamy and I arrived at the school they have been pretty quiet. Except for when Haley told us what happened. Bellamy start the car and drove out of the school parkinglot and toward home.
-I dislike Mr Vance. I said. Mr Vance is the name of the principal at their school. I get why he suspended Samuel and the whole situation. They were just defending each other and a few punches were made. Violence isn't the answer. But still.
-You're not the only one. Bellamy says.
-What does he even mean that Alex Hunter's problems or whatever he meant is classified? I want to have a discussion with his parents. I tell Bellamy. Haley who seems to have heard our conversation, despite listening to her own music speaks up.
-You can't talk to his parents. She says in a hurry.
-What's that supposed to mean? Bellamy ask. I'm as confused as Bellamy are at the moment. Just a while ago she were defending Samuel and now she doesn't want us to talk to Alec's parents. The one that my son was in a fight with. It doesn't make sense. At least not for me.

-We didn't tell you the whole truth. He himself, I mean Alec, are in foster care. They are practically shipping him around from family to family because no one wants him. If he pick a fight with Sam, who you adopted, then he will feel a little better about himself for a few minutes before he gets reminded that no one wants him. They will probably put him in another forster home soon. They principal will be happy that some other school gets to deal with him instead. Haley says. You can hear the sadness in her voice as she speaks. For the first time I feel sorry for this guy. They should not live like that. I look at Bellamy and I can immediately tell that he feels the same as I.
-Just promise your mother and I that you aren't getting into another fight. Your going to be suspended longer than three days then. I'm talking to you Samuel. Next time use your words instead of fists. Bellamy says. Haley and Samuel easily promise us that they aren't going to get into another fight as we pull up at our driveway.
-Wait until your sister hears about this Bell. She's going to cheer on the for standing up for each other and fighting. Even if she knows that violence isn't the right thing to handle things. I said. Bellamy laughs and agrees with me. We walk inside the house and hopefully we won't be called down to the principal's office again.
-Samuel Wade Blake, you should show your siblings, who looks up to you, how to treat other people. Kensi said. I don't know how she found out about what happened earlier this day.
-Kensi, let it go. Your brother understand what he did wrong and everything is okay not. Bellamy tells her. A year ago Kensi and Samuel had talked to us. Since they have beena part of our family for so many years they wanted officially change their last name. Within a week they had Blake as their last name. Neither Bell or I had wanted to preasure them to change the name. Since it's a part of their own history of life.
Haley and Samuel went up to their own rooms. My thoughts keep drifting of to what Haley told us in the car. It's not right for them to put him in a foster home and then ship him of to another foster home. I wish that I could help him somehow. Even if he were involved in the fight with my son.
-It's friday. Bellamy says.
-Yeah, I know Bell. I said and gently kiss him om the cheek before I take of my jacket.
-O, Lincoln and Aurora are coming over. He says as if it wasn't normal.
-Bell, I know that too. When haven't they come over when it's a friday night? I say and rolled my eyes.
-Mum, can you help me with my homework? I have to do a science project for school. I have literally no idea what I'm I should include in my project. I have sort of started. Jessica says as she comes down the stairs.
-Yeah, I will help you. I will be up in five minutes sweetheart. I tell her and she walks away.
-And you babe, will start the dinner. I told Bellamy as we walked into the kitchen. These days I barely have to tell him that. Since it has become like a routine over the years.
-Go help your daughter with her school project now. Bellamy said and smacked my butt playfully. I laughed as I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Kensi who I passed when I walked up the stairs looked at me weirdly since she don't know what I'm laughing about.

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